Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #68 (Legacy #962): “The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man. Part 8: “Four Lives To Live”

NOTE:  Once again I don’t have the physical copy of the issue.  My LCS says this week’s Marvel order is delayed due to the holiday(1) – it feels like forever since I had a review […]

Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #64 (Legacy #958): “The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man. Part 3: “King of Pain” (1)

NOTE:  Sorry for the lateness of this review – my LCS was not open Wednesday (Christmas Day, obviously) and I had to work all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the holidays, so it took […]

Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #60 (Legacy #954): “Hit The Road, Zeb” or “All [REDACTED] Things Must Come To An End”

The legal system fails yet again.  Tombstone gets a new look (but not the one I wanted).  Sandman gets a new hairstyle!  Aunt May confronts Spider-Man about her nephew’s safety, and then possibly figures out […]