Spider-Tracer: Watch Out for the Wondrous Walrus!
Welcome back, Spidey fans! I hope this article finds you all doing most well. A lot of people I know have unfortunately been sick with something recently (or still are, as or writing this), and, […]
Welcome back, Spidey fans! I hope this article finds you all doing most well. A lot of people I know have unfortunately been sick with something recently (or still are, as or writing this), and, […]
“Tell him to meet us at Avengers HQ and maybe together we can fix this mess.” While I ponder how the hell Mark gets his reviews out so fast, we should probably take a look […]
POWER PLAY PART 3: AVENGERS ASSEMBLED Judging by the cover, Iron Man’s getting his butterbean kick by the invincible Regent but never fear, true believers, Spider-Man is cleverly disguising himself as a club in order […]
POWER PLAY PART 2: CIVIL WAR REENACTMENT The cover promises a fight between Iron Man and Spider-Man with Miles thrown in for spice. However, the cover lied about Miles last issue, so who knows what […]
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