Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #56 (Legacy #950): “What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?” or “Hope You Like Paying Extra For 10 Pages Of Covers”

The return of Tombstone!  The return of Janice!  The return of Spidey pretending he’s working with Tombstone to get under his (near-invulnerable) skin!  The return of the Daily Bugle!  The return of Peter in a […]

Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #34 (Legacy #928): “Paul On The Run”, or “The Lonely Grave of ‘Sergei Kravinov’.(1)”

It’s the penultimate chapter in the “Sinful Spider-Man” saga.  Who will Spidey target next?  Will “Kraven” get out of his grave?  Will Queen Goblin show up after disappearing for the previous issue?  Will we get […]

Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Legacy #N/A) – 2023: Demon With A New Mask On, and When Aunts Attack!

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Legacy #N/A) – 2023:  Demon With A New Mask On, and When Aunts Attack! (This annual passes Puddin’s “Do I want to rub my chin against it?’ test.) I forgot about […]