Alford Notes: Amazing Spider-Man #27
What did Peter do? is finally over – now we embark on a new path for our fearless hero. How did this issue do in getting us excited for a brand new day in Spider-Man’s […]
What did Peter do? is finally over – now we embark on a new path for our fearless hero. How did this issue do in getting us excited for a brand new day in Spider-Man’s […]
To misquote a literary genius, “The time has come, the time is now, Benjamin J. Rabin, will you please go now!” Yes, dear reader, we have been teased of this moment for months, promised this […]
MJ’s in danger? Spidey is on his way, even if he has no help from his friends. And when he finds her… Well, read on, dear friends, and let’s untangle this thing together! Credit Where […]
Gwen Stacy is back! That girls has quite the busy schedule for a corpse. You know what else is back? Spidey in a cross-over/tie-in! So sit back and let’s get all judgey here with our […]
Rain, MJ, and Peter – what more do you need to know? Well, actually just forget all of that and let’s jump into so good old fashion Tombstone and Norman goodness! See you on the […]
This is it! The long awaited for CONCLUSION to the Kindred story! Will it deliver the goods or will it have been dragged out too long beyond redemption or worse – will Spencer have pulled […]
(Writer) Nick Spencer (Artist) Marcelo Ferreira (Inker) Andrew Crossley (Colorist) Morry Hollowell (Letterer) VC’s Joe Caramagna (Editor) Nick Lowe (EIC) C.B. Cebulski Date Released 2/10/2021 […]
Well folks, the year is coming to a close and Spencer doesn’t want to go out on a whimper! This is no Gog issue or minor villain backstory, this is all out in your face […]
(Writer) Nick Spencer (Artist) Pat Gleason (Editor) Nick Lowe (EIC) C.B. Cebulski Date Released 10/14/2020 Issue Number #851 Price Tag: $5.99 Buy: ComixologyorGCC Story Time: Kindred is moonlighting in the graveyard and digging up George Stacy’s […]
(Writer) Nick Spencer (Artist) Ryan Ottley (Artist) Humberto Ramos (Artist) Mark Bagley (Editor) Nick Lowe (EIC) C.B. Cebulski Date Released 10/7/2020 Issue Number #850 Price Tag: $9.99 Buy: ComixologyorGCC Story Time: Spidey is swinging through and fighting […]
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