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The Pulse # 10
Title: “House Of M” (Stand-Alone Tie-In)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artists: Michael Lark and Stefano Guadiano
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letters: V.C.’s Cory Petit


A stand-alone tie-in to the monster event, “House Of M” is based around the Scarlet Witch altering the world to one in which Magneto rules a mutant-dominated society.  Here, we follow Kat Farrell as she investigates an incident at Stark Industries, and is brushed away with a fake story by a mutant member of the SHIELD Red Guard (but not before snapping a picture of what happened with her phone).

Meanwhile, Hawkeye (sans costume) looks up at the Bugle building before walking off.  Inside the building, Kat is late for 3 o’clock meeting, and the Bugle’s publisher in this world (a blue-skinned female mutant) argues with her regarding waiting for SHIELD clearance to publish a story.  Afterwards, Urich tells Kat that she should pick her fights more shrewdly—the oppression of humans as second-class citizens is very evident here.

Later, Kat is writing her latest article in the Bugle archives late at night, when she is incapacitate by Hawkeye.  He questions her about latest goings-on, and we see that he sees the Marvel Universe as it was in the newspapers from this timeline—it is all transparent to him.  He also realizes that he died and is now alive again.  The purple-clad hero seems very annoyed and bitter (understandable considering what happened to him), but apologizes to Kat and takes her to Magneto’s Central Park memorial.  He destroys this with explosive arrows, and walks away vowing to kill Magneto.


  • Art is once again very good.
  • Despite being a tie-in to a huge event, this issue uses characterization to great effect, and actually makes the reader interested in the overall crossover.


  • Is still a bit padded, and gives little information regarding other HOM events.

RATING: 3 out of 5 webs.  Pretty well-written and enjoyable, especially considering it is a tie-in issue.

Reviewed By: Matt Harris

The Pulse # 9
Title: “Secret War” Part Four
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Michael Lark
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letters: V.C.’s Cory Petit


Finally, the conclusion.  We open with Jessica Jones shouting at Jonah Jameson for about a page, and Jonah telling Ben Urich to get her back.  Ben and Kat try to help her, but then see Al MacKenzie (who called Ben last issue, remember?).  Jessica attacks him, but he tells her to stop making a scene, and writes down the address where he says Cage will be found.  Jessica, Ben and Kat soon arrive at a run-down bar upstate, and Urich realises they have been lied to.  Inside, Miss Jones meets a drunk Wolverine, who seems very annoyed at the mention of SHIELD.  He almost attacks her, but falls back, sniffing (as in the flashback at the start of issue 6).  Wolverine then explains how the agent wanted them to piss him off enough to go and kill Fury.  Logan leaves, and says he hopes Jessica finds Cage—Ben then realises where Luke is (“there ain’t that many places a sick super hero can hide safely” as Logan says).  The three of them then arrive at a secret super hero medical centre, but are met by Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and a bunch of other ninja-type heroes, who aren’t in a great mood.  Iron Fist, in particular, is loath to let Jess see Luke, as he “can’t trust anyone” in situations like this.  Misty, however, lets her go in, as Danny is “getting goofy”.

Cage, meanwhile, is fine, and they both say “I love you” in good old tearful fashion.  They are interrupted by a hologram of Nick Fury, telling them he’s sorry and that they won’t hear from him again.  He then vanishes, revealing no more of what is going on.  Finally, Jonah decides to run a Spider-Man story rather than the incomplete Fury story. 


  • Overall, not a bad conclusion, as questions are answered and plots ended.
  • Good art, one more—kind of like a softer version of Alex Maleev’s work.


  • Still little revealed regarding “Secret War”, and we are left feeling a lot like the scrapped story at the end; incomplete.

RATING: 2.5 out of 5 webs.  Not bad, but still flawed, slow and with too many threads left dangling.

Reviewed By: Matt Harris


The Pulse # 8
Title: “Secret War” Part Three
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Michael Lark
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letters: V.C.’s Cory Petit


This issue, some development does occur, as a new artist joins the book.  Storywise, we open with another flashback to the attack on Luke and Jessica (though this time better drawn).  Miss Jones then wakes up, in a plane hanger with “Special Agent Cohen”, who tells her the baby is fine and offers Jessica green tea and crackers.  Apparently not CIA, FBI or SHIELD, the agent tries to reassure Jessica that everything is fine, as she starts to panic.  The scene ends with a group of men and women entering, one of whom declares “Hail Hydra”.

Meanwhile, at the Daily Bugle, Ben Urich leaves Jessica a message to say he still has no idea where Cage is or what is going on.  He then gets a call from Al Mackenzie, a SHIELD agent, who explains that Fury screwed up regarding the hospital incident two issues ago.  Al also says some stuff regarding “Secret War” and how it would be O.K. to print this stuff, and that it’s “why”, not “who”, which truly matters.

At the Hydra meeting with Jessica, another female agent tells Jessica that Cage may have been executed by Nick Fury due to the “Secret War”.  Urich, meanwhile, tells Jameson of his recent phone call, and how they don’t know what it was that Fury did.  Jameson tells him to find Jessica, and make some calls.

The female Hydra agent, meanwhile, gives Jessica a very impressive and persuasive speech regarding her joining Hydra, the benefits of this, and justification for what they do.  Much of the persuasion regards Jessica’s baby and how its future could be improved.  She then offers Jessica a large wad of notes “to start”, but our heroine refuses.  Suddenly, SHIELD agents appear and blast the Hydra ones, and one is revealed to be Clay Quatermain, an ex of Jessica’s, who explains how they monitored the situation before they knew which side she was on.  He takes the money from her, and congratulates her on doing the right thing.  Clay, however, has no idea what happened to Cage, and refuses to tell Jess about the “Secret War”.



  • Unlike the last two issues, this one makes a lot of plot progress, while maintaining tension and mystery.
  • The art is much improved from the last two, gritty yet well-drawn throughout.
  • The speech from the Hydra agent is very well written, persuasive and reasonable.  It isn’t hard after reading this to see how people join this sort of thing.


  • A bit too slow and mysterious; we really do want some hints regarding Cage.

RATING: 3 out of 5 webs.  Much better, with good art, dialogue and plot, yet more answers and action would be welcome.

Reviewed by: Matt Harris

The Pulse # 7
Title: “Secret War” Part Two
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Brent Anderson
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letters: Virtual Calligraphy’s Cory Petit


This issue, following an awful start two months ago, begins with Miss Jones waking up after sleeping in the ruins of the hospital which exploded last time.  Ben Uric finds her and wakes her up, and she tells him all that has happened, and that her baby is fine.  She keeps saying how she has no idea what is going.  She blames Fury for what has happened, and there is a long, pointless argument with a cop and a fat nurse.

Jess and Urich then go to a pier which was also destroyed, and a guy there tells them a number of heroes, including Spidey, Cap and Daredevil, were there the previous night.  Jess tries to call everyone she knows to find Cage and know what happened, but no-one answers, so she makes her way to the Bugle and shouts at Jonah to find out what’s happening.  Jonah walks out, and Robbie explains that they know nothing, as Fury has made them keep the story quiet.  Jessica runs off angrily, wrecks some guy’s car, and collapses in front of Misty Knight’s apartment.  She is found by three guys in coats, one of whom says “Hail Hydra”.



  • The Hydra involvement means some small plot headway is made.
  • Jonah and Robbie are completely in character—Jonah not bothering to explain, and Robbie trying as sensitively and calmly as he can.


  • Another largely pointless issue, as very little actually happens.  This and the previous issue could easily have been put into one comic, but instead the plot drags out at a snail’s pace.
  • Once again, art and pointless dialogue provide endless padding.
  • The mystery which got old fast last issue remains present throughout.

FAVORITE QUOTE: N/A.  Sorry, but once again nothing of note is said.


RATING: 1.5 out of 5 webs.  Slightly improved, but still boring, dragging and pointless.

Reviewed by Matt Harris

The Pulse # 6
Title: “Secret War” Part One
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Brent Anderson
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letters: Virtual Calligraphy’s Cory Petit


This issue begins with a flashback, as Jessica Jones is assaulted by a drunk Wolverine, but he breaks down crying before he can slice her.  O.K.  Next, we see Luke Cage’s Harlem apartment blow up “a week ago”, and he and Jessica are rushed into hospital.  Luke’s in a bad way, and Jessica is forced to recall the entry of a woman into his apartment.  She blasted them both, and apparently knew Cage.

The cops leave for some reason, but are soon replaced by Nick Fury and Danny Rand (Iron Fist).  They act really mysterious, and soon Captain America appears and punches Fury (saying he told Fury this would happen).  Yep, very confusing.  Cap and Fury leave, telling Jess to keep away for her safety.  She goes to phone Matt Murdock, and leaves a message asking for his help.  She then calls Ben Urich, but has to hang up as a man in a suit is watching her.  He runs, and the hospital explodes.  Jessica looks for Cage, but he and Danny are gone, and the issue ends with her screaming for him outside the ruined hospital.



  • Not much, but I suppose Jessica’s frustration is done well considering all the confusion around her.
  • The art is also not bad, but not brilliant either.


  • Quite a lot; barely any plot developments occur bar the wounding and disappearance of Cage, and the connection to Secret War is barely explained.
  • The confusion here is far to pervasive, and it is almost impossible to see what is going on.
  • Too much filler—large, poorly drawn pictures of Jessica leaving the hospital mean the issue is spread out and shortened.



RATING: 1 out of 5 webs.  Sorry, but this really did suck.  Hopefully it picks up soon, but the bi-monthly schedule means an even longer wait.  Not promising.


Reviewed by Matt Harris.



The Pulse #5
Thin Air—Part Five of Five.
Writer: Brian Michel Bendis
Art: Mark Bagley
Inks: Scott Hanna
Story: This issue picks up where the last one left off: With the Green Goblin attacking. And Urich and Jones running for cover. Jones flies out the window, but due to her not being able to fly well, Spidey is forced to save her. She screams that the baby she was carrying is dead. Peter looking in somewhat despair, and somewhat empathy. As Gobby is trying to kill Urich, and Spidey intervenes. He zaps Spidey, and after trying to fly off, he encounters a pissed off Jessica Jones. She nearly throws him off his glider, and he bucks her off, and as Spidey saves her, (And Norman gets away) she thinks that her baby is dead. She goes to the hospital, and Luke Cage is there. They confirm that the baby is alive, and that it just was because that she was a super-powered being is what caused her to feel that way. Luke Cage decides to go after Norman, And Spidey joins the fray. Luke Cage picks up the limo that Norman is in, tries to get him out. Norman, with his mask and glider, tires to flee. He’s caught by Spidey’s web, and Luke Cage’s Strength. And Luke catches a pumpkin bomb. But Cage defeats Osborn with a simple punch. And our issue ends with the Daily Bugle with them being right all along. And Ben Urich is trying his story…..
Likes: The Continuity is referenced here once again. And the Art. Wow. Amazing. The Pulse will miss Bags, but he sets up this series well.
Dislikes: It’s supposed to be a tie in to Marvel Knights #1. Nothing I’ve seen is like that. I’m disappointed.
Rating: 4.5 webheads out of 5
Reviewed by: Spideydude
Message Board: Discuss the review on this thread on the Crawl Space message board.

Pulse #4
Writer: Brian Michel Bendis
Art: Mark Bagley
Inks: Scott Hanna
Story: The Fourth Part in a Five part story arc begins with Ben Urich looking at his book, Legacy Of Evil He’s speechless, as he still believes that Norman Osborn and the Green Goblin are the same. Meanwhile, Jessica Jones has a conversation with her boyfriend, Luke Cage, talking about the Child which they created. Jessica has a dream about the girl, and Cage gets mad when he isn’t in it. Ben goes up to the top of the Bugle and after nearly falling off, he encounters Spider-Man, known to us as Peter Parker. Over the gap between issues, Ben told of the death of Terri Kidder, and Osborn’s involvement in her death. Peter asked the question: “How did you know?” He simply explained that he used clues from him finding out DareDevil, and how Peter knew that Matt was his alter-ego. Peter tells Ben that Osborn is the Goblin, and Ben precedes to rant about his ruined career. Peter snaps when he tells him about Gwen.

     While Ben tires to reason about Peter not capturing him before hand, Peter snaps and tells that rich don’t go to jail.. Ben, after finding this out, goes to the friend of Kidder’s, and questions her about what was discussed. Ben and Jonah argue about weather or not to pursue the story or not. Jessica reasons that it’s the Bugle’s duty to do so. Robbie’s agrees and Jessica is told to go to have a fresh pair of eyes, as the Bulge is too close to this story. Our last scene is NYPD and Urich and Jones at Oscorp, Norman Blows the doors off, and the Green Goblin standing in the ruins.
Likes: A flawless issue, with Action, and *Gasp* Continuity! The Takeover of the Daily Bugle is referenced here. Thank you Bendis! The Art was Stunning, great to See Bags handle MU Spidey.
Dislikes: JJJ’s Mustache. Nuff Said.
Rating: Five webheads for Five.
Reviewed By: Spideydude
Messsage Board: Discuss the review on this thread on the Crawl Space Message Board.

The Pulse # 3  

Thin Air- Part Three of Five  

Writer: Brian Michel Bendis

Art: Mark Bagley

Inks: Scott Hanna  

Backstory: A woman was found in a river. This woman was a reporter for the Daily Bugle named Terri Kidder. She was killed by Norman Osborn due to her digging into a scandal of mysterious disappearances. Ben Urich, Jessica Jones, and Kat Ferrell have been joined into one “task-force” by JJJ himself, aptly named, THE PULSE.  

Story: Our issue starts with the entire staff of the Daily Bugle in JJJ’s office. Jonah is obviously distraught over the news of an employee death. Robbie is the one who tells the staff the details. He says that the family of Terri is coming into town. He wants Kat & Ben, along with Jessica, to get the facts. 

    Our next scene is a restaurant with Jessica and her boyfriend, Luke Cage. Luke has his misgivings on the matter of Jessica joining the Bugle. She tells him that, with a new baby on the way, They need the money. Ben tires to get clues from Terri’s desk, but to no avail with a detective on the scene, who won’t allow him to enter. Kat Ferrell tries to get information out of a worker at the morgue, who tells her that she fell. From up high. Kat takes that, and the meets the others at the place she was found. They try to determine who could possibly have done this. They think of a few people, such as the Vulture, Stilt Man, Iron Man, and the Hulk. Ben sneaks in, and finds one unheard message. It’s Terri’s friend from Oscorp, who tells her not to worry about it. Ben then realizes that Osborn was the one who killed her, and threw her in the river. Our issue ends with Ben calling a old friend: Peter Parker.  

Likes:  Wow.  It’s a simply great series that keeps getting better. Ben Urich knows better than anyone else what ol’ Stormin’ Norman is capable of, and Bendis uses this to his advantage. Great stuff! The ending is great as well, with Ben calling the only person who knows Norman better than himself, Peter Parker.  

Dislikes: The minor quibbles that I’ve had the past two issues are all but gone.

Rating: 5 out of 5


The Pulse #2

Story: Brian Michael Bendis

Art: Mark Bagley

Inks: Scott Hanna

Reviewed By: Spideydude

Story: Our Issue starts with Terri Kidder, an investigative reporter trying to make it in the Daily Bugle. She has no story, and is about to get fired, so she thinks. She tells of J. Jonah Jamerson’s antics, and how she feels of them, and how Robbie is one of those people that evens everything out.  Kat Ferrell then comes up and asks her form a stapler. Terri don’t have one. So she asks what she is working on. ‘100 Most Powerful People in the City’ feature, with the Avengers. Kat warns her not to, but she doesn’t listen. After getting yelled at by JJJ, she receives a tip of a Spidey/Vulture Fight. She rushes to the scene, reports on it. At a dinner with a friend from Oscorp, she tells her of disappearances that have been happening recently. She calls Oscorp, and gets an interview. After asking about the disappearances, she is killed with his own bare hands. As the Goblin, she is thrown into the river.

Likes: Many, being we finally know who the person is! Art was good too!

Looks like JJJ’s hair is Brown again!

Dislikes: Slow Pace, but still good.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Webheads



The Pulse #1

Story: Brian Michael Bendis

Art: Mark Bagley

Inks: Scott Hanna
Reviewed by: Spideydude

Story: Our issue begins with Ben Urich reading the latest Daily Bugle. While Kat Ferrell’s Piece is on the front page, Ben’s is on 17-C. He is not amused. In Central Park , we see a body of a person that is dead, in the river. Switch to an apartment. Large Black Man, sleep, Small White Woman, wide awake. She tells him that she has to go. Where? The Daily Bugle of course! She is going in for a job interview. Her Name: Jessica Jones, His: Luke Cage. She gets ready. Back at central Park, we see a vendor, wondering what is in the river. At the Bugle, we see Jessica Jones, going for her interview. Robbie Robertson greets her, and introduces her to Ben Urich. They Chat, and Robbie motions her into the News room, Buzzing with Activity. In her meeting, Jamerson tells her that he is thankful for the help she had given his niece, Mattie Franklin. He offers her a job on a new section of the newspaper, the Pulse. She tells him that she needs the insurance, for her new Baby, Luke’s as well. JJJ just wants to have the announcement. She then says yes and take the job. In central Park the police arrive, and phone in for backup. In a bar, Robbie, JJJ, and Urich are having a few drinks. They discuss the new Pulse, which teams Urich and Jones in a forum about superheroes.  He tells him that the first story is a doozy. Meanwhile, the NYPD is picking up a body, and we see her ID on the final Page.

Likes: The art , was the best! Bags Delivers again! Only one thing I didn’t like was JJJ Mustashe. No Hitler-esque anymore.  

Dislikes: The Inks on JJJ’s hair were incontinent.  One page it’s brown, next it’s gray!

Rating: Other than that, 4 out of 5 Webheads