Cobwebs #25: Cartoon Roundup
When I was a kid, if you wanted to watch some cartoons (Spider-Man or other), you got up on Saturday morning, fixed yourself a bowl of cereal, and hunkered down for a few hours of […]
When I was a kid, if you wanted to watch some cartoons (Spider-Man or other), you got up on Saturday morning, fixed yourself a bowl of cereal, and hunkered down for a few hours of […]
The world’s greatest villains have tried to kill Spider-Man… …Shikata… …The Kingpin… …Electro… NOW IT’S SILVER SABLE’S TURN TO TRY!
Whilst never appearing in the Raimi movies proper, Electro debuts in the MTV continuity! Is his outing in this episode a prelude to his portrayal in the upcoming ASM sequel?
WHEN FAN-GIRLS ATTACK! The Spidey Stalker Story!
The Peter/Mary Jane romance takes a left turn when a new love interest threatens to keep them apart!
Spider-Man has a difficult decison to make when confronting the new cat burglar in town, Talon. Either bring her in, or continue to let her date his best friend!
A noble warrior sees Spider-Man as the ultimate challenge and challenges him to fight to the death! That’s right, it’s Kraven the Hunt-HEY! That’s not Kraven!
Whilst never appearing in the Rami movies proper, the Lizard debuts in the MTV continuity! Is his outing in this episode a prelude to his portrayal for the upcoming ASM movie?
The Kingpin makes his Cel-Shaded debut on the MTV series! But can Michael Clarke Duncan’s Fisk compare to the ones that have come before?
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