101 Unpleasant Ways For Ben Reilly To Die
Due to recent events in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man, I now present you with a list of 101 Unpleasant Ways For Ben Reilly To Die. I wrote half this list on a napkin while […]
Due to recent events in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man, I now present you with a list of 101 Unpleasant Ways For Ben Reilly To Die. I wrote half this list on a napkin while […]
Okay, so maybe the title is a bit dramatic. But seriously…. with the marriage being dissolved back in 2007, one of the plot points that was in it was the baby that they would have […]
I know this is Zach’s gig, but I had to post this custom Mego Ben. Very cool stuff! This guy is selling it on Ebay for $200.
Back to our regularly scheduled program, I was trying to think of a Clone Saga Memory that George Berryman (and Kevin Cushing) would approve of. I present Spider-Ben with A Nazi-Skeleton-covered-in-bees. Art by Mike ‘Ringo, […]
“Well, whatever this is…this is it” This April will see the release of Ultimate Spider-Man #200. A series which Brian Michael Bendis and a plethora of the industries top artists have been working on since […]
Big Time Hero… This April will see the release of Ultimate Spider-Man #200. Brian Michael Bendis and a plethora of artists have been working on this saga for the last 14 years and together have […]
If you thought that Kaine (Sans Hoodie) joining the New Warriors was something new, it is in fact a homage to his predecessor, Ben Reilly, joining the team in the 90s. What made him join up […]
You know what this place needs? More Clones. I’m here to deliver. Over the next few days, I will bring some art to you, and all will involve hoodies, clones, Jackals and clones. And hoodies. […]
It seems Spidey missed all the Avengers/ Godzilla action. I bet Jameson was ticked Parker missed all these great shots. This appeared in Godzilla # 24. Many thanks to the TarsTarkas.net for the images. This […]
This is from Godzilla # 23 from 1979. Godzilla attacked New York and took on the Avengers. He also stopped by the Daily Bugle to taunt J.Jonah Jameson.
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