I am still on a major high from the recent issue, which was basically one long Hollywood action-scene jam-packed in a single issue. There was a break-in, a robbery, a chase, and a stunning revelation at the end of it all… and wow, was it a banger! So, understandably, I was just dying to know what would happen next… and this week’s issue of Spider-Woman definitely did not disappoint. Once again, the creative team behind this book proves that Jessica Drew is a major player in the Marvel Universe, and that she has everything it takes to be one of the faces of the Spider-Man family.



STORY BY: Karla Pacheco

ART BY: Pere Perez

COVER BY: Jung-Geun Yoon


  • Did you think, just because there were some done-in-one crazy action issues, that this arc WASN’T SERIOUS?!?!?!
  • You are WRONG, True Believer, as this issue picks up all the Keyser Soze clues we’ve been leaving around and slaps you in the face with them.
  • All we can say without spoiling more is that Jessica Drew is in for the fight of her life and you do not want to miss it!



  • First of all, I love how Jessica Drew perfectly captured my first thoughts when reading this issue… this entire run shows how twisted and messed up her family is. And she clearly knows that now because of well… everybody basically wanting her dead. But her brother Michael is just taking things to a whole different level. He and his partner, Rose, try to put logic and reason in their actions, but readers can easily see through their motivations. What they are doing is not for Rebecca, it is not for the good of humanity, or for the benefit of their pharmaceuticals… everything that they are doing is done simply to become more powerful.
  • It is tragic but somewhat poetic how Michael becomes a true super-villain by the end of this issue. All his issues and problems with Jessica as a person come out, as he blames her for what happened to their mom, for not having a dad, and for basically not even being there for him, as she did not know he actually even exists. Automatically, you can detect so many lingering issues that play games with the mind of a neglected brother.
  • The reveal that Rose was behind the robbery, break-in, and entire operation displayed her dangerous side right away. She seduced Michael, and convinced him to play this dangerous game and play for power. She was also very amusing in admitting to Spider-Woman that Michael fell for her traps simply because she was hot. She is a woman who knows what she wants, and knows how to get it… at the expense, though, of Michael’s poor daughter, Rebecca. The bloodline is a vicious cycle, and we are witnessing Michael as he breaks down and crumbles as a man, a human being, and most importantly, as a father.
  • The imaginary scene where we saw and caught a small glimpse of how a mission would go if Jessica brought her son along was hilarious, and even though everybody knows that it would never work in a million years, it was still nevertheless very cute to see the baby in action. Let’s give the baby a few more years to become more useful in a superhero battle.


  • The break-in of Jessica into Michael’s facilities was smoothly executed, but it was a bit fast, and too convenient. I was admittedly somewhat spoiled from the previous issue where we were given a handful of super-villains to provide insane amounts of action in the span of a few pages and panels. But I believe that the ultimate showdown will, in fact, be heading our way very soon in the next issue. It appears to be a Michael and Rose versus Jessica type of situation. Good luck to Spider-Woman!


All in all, this chapter did not disappoint. It was able to detail the inner workings behind the mind of Michael, and also provided us with a new seductress and villainess to hate. Rose looks to be even more dangerous than Jessica’s brother, as he may find out very soon that he is really just a pawn in the larger chess match that is currently being played out.

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