Snapshot! Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow #5 (Finale)

Writer: Chip Zdaraky
Artist: Pasquel Ferry

*sniff* I’m not crying. I think…probably just a high pollen count today.

This is the final issue of Spider’s Shadow, Marvel’s first mini series in the new line of What If… and what better day then this to end on with the new Disney+ show streaming now. I’m watching it as I type – Synergy!

Depth of Field:
The final showdown between Peter and the Symbiote. Sue Richards, Johnny Storm and MJ are there to help…but tragedy strikes!

Focal Point:
We left Pete at his lowest. Venom-Reed had venomized a legion of Avengers to use against him. Venom-Reed is convinced that Peter rejected him, due to his love for MJ. This comes as news to MJ. The symbiotes want to kill her as they believe she holds Peter back from being the best Spider-Man he can be. The symbiotes want him to be marketable in all demographics, and being in a committed relationship really limits toy sales. Marvel; it doesn’t help your editorial position to have the crazed villain champion it in story, just FYI.

Johnny Storm, a Shipper til the end, grabs MJ and flies her to safety. The symbiotes give chase, leaving Peter alone in Mr. Fantastic’s lab to find a solution. I was really happy with this scene for a number of reasons. Firstly, it acknowledges that Peter in a lab is as smart as Spider-Man is strong. Second Zdarsky takes a moment to address the “symbiote turns you evil” concept. In this scene Peter accepts that it was his anger that caused this situation, and the symbiote just took advantage.

It doesn’t take Peter long to form a strategy and he asks Johnny to lure the symbiote army back to the Baxter building, but asks that he try to loose them for a minute so Peter can get Johnny up to speed on the plan. Johnny worries that they are leaving their fate in Spider-Man’s hands, but Mary Jane assures him that if that’s the case “you’re going to win”. I can’t put into words how happy this made me. I’ll try, as it’s my job. MJ’s faith in Peter is more powerful than any stupid fight about him being Spider-Man. I’ve read the “I never know where you are” fights and the “what about me” fights Marvel have forced into MJ’s mouth over the years and they have never rung true to me. This is Mary Jane Watson. She trusts Peter above all else.

This sequence also includes a scene of Sue Storm battling a number of Avengers by herself. The character design of Sue did seem wrong to me, but her action scenes where great never the less. Not sure what it was about the art, but it didn’t look like Sue to me. A nitpick at best.

When Venom-Reed returns to the Baxter building, Peter is waiting for him on the roof. Peter offers himself to Venom, but the symbiote must promise not to hurt MJ or the other heroes. Venom agrees, but while leaving Reed’s body, eviscerates him, acknowledging Reed was too much of a threat. Peter is furious, and as the symbiote engulfs him, Peter utters two last words, “flame on”.

Like how Spider-Man defeated Morlun when they first fought, he gave the villain what they wanted. But with a twist. The Peter on the roof was actually Johnny wearing the Thing’s Image Inducer. I thought this was a clever twist, and in retrospect made Reed’s death even more impactful. It was sad when Peter witnessed it, even more so knowing it was Johnny. And while Johnny has saved the day, it was Peter’s plan.

There are some nice epilogues that close out the story. We discover Matt Murdock defended Peter in court against the crimes he committed as Venom. The other heroes testified on his behalf. Though Peter wasn’t the only one facing criminal charges. Jonah visits Eddie Brock in hospital and has obtained him a lawyer to defend him (hopefully Murdock) for the murder of Dr Octopus. This scene demonstrates an interesting connection between Jonah and Eddie I hadn’t thought of before. Both hate Spider-Man, both have used evil methods to try and stop him and both see themselves as protectors. Due to the events of the series JJJ has moved on, and wants to help Brock do the same.

Finally we see Peter and Mary Jane in a graveyard. They appear to be an item and are discussing what comes next for Peter, now being Spider-Man isn’t really an option. That’s when Sue Storm appears with a job offer, and a new face joins the ranks of the Fantastic Four. Honestly this ending was far more hopefully than I was expecting. What Ifs have a tendency to leave everyone worse off than the main continuity. Here Peter and MJ are together and Spider-Man has joined the Fantastic Four. I would happily pick up the next issue of this, if such a thing existed.

In tonight’s performance the part of Venom-possessed Captain America will be played by Joe Quesada’s Editorial Mandate (“…She’s holding Peterr back…”) An interesting twist.

Negative Exposure:
Erm…Pete, mate, I’m thrilled you and MJ are together. Did you forgot about Black Cat though?

I can’t decide if this is an oversight or a call back. Yes, when Peter did finally decide MJ was the one, he and the editors ignored he was already with Black Cat, but it seemed odd that Zdaraky didn’t give us a line or two to explain where Felicia was now Peter and MJ are together. Maybe if we hadn’t wasted a blank splash page with only a line of dialogue. I know it’s an artist choice, but that sort of thing always bothers me.

Developing Tank:
The final page is a tease. I don’t want to spoil it, as I do want you to go and read this book. I hope these means there is a sequel coming, but most likely it’s there just to show this universe will continue out in the multiverse, whether we see it or not. Maybe, like Life Story, we’ll get an Annual in a year or so.

A: an absolutely fantastic mini-series.

Zdarsky shows a great understanding of story and why Peter and MJ’s love matters. The art was the perfect fit for this moody body horror, love story. Get this series however you can, back issues, trade, Marvel Unlimited. You will not be disappointed.

For those who have read it, I hope you’ve enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed reviewing it. Thank you for the kind words and support you’ve left on my reviews. Hopefully you like my approach, and will follow me over to Non-Stop Spider-Man, where I continue to review The Little Series That Couldn’t.

Zoom In:
What did you think of Spider’s Shadow? Let me know in the comments!


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  1. @Franz29

    Thank you. I don’t mind reading Non-Stop Spider-Man if it’s a public service. From the look of it, the trade was originally called Vol. 1, but that’s been dropped. Maybe my wish has been granted.

    @ Sthenurus

    Good catch on the What If #1 call back. They could have called this What If Spider-Man (eventually) joined the Fantastic Four.

    Zdarsky has definitely mastered alt. Universe Spider-Men, hopefully he can return to the main universe some time. I’ve only read parts of his Daredevil run, but he had an issue with Spider-Man on the cover that was very good.

  2. Nice review Adam.
    Really liked this mini when it was all said and done; I wasn’t sure after the first couple of issues but I like where Zdarsky took it and how well he nailed the characters, making it feel like a genuine What If and not simply a gimmick.

    I don’t envy you reviewing Non-Stop. As you said in your last review on that, just cancel it already and bring back Spec but I’ll continue to read your stuff. Hey, if you have to suffer, someone should read the review, right?

  3. Great review as usual Adam! That series was fantastic! I love everything from the first page to the last.

    I don’t know what it is with marvel lately but their alternate universe Spidey stories have been knocking things out of the wood. Between this and life story, we got two wonderful tales of Peter and MJ, with a Peter growing as a man (and character).

    Now hopefully beyond will take some of that growth since it seems we are going back to a Peter/MJ pairing.

    The ending of the month no was both a great callback to the first ever what if (what if spiderman joined the FF) and a great tease I NEVER saw coming. Kudos to zdarsky!

    I hope we will get to revisit this universe. And that zdarsky will get a chance to write 626 Spidey and MJ.

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