Miles Morales: Spider-Man #28

First off I want to apologize for the delay. Life has been crazy lately. But it’s should be smooth sailing from here on. Now on to the Spider action.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #28

Written By: Saladin Ahmed

Art By: Carmen Carnero

Colors By: David Curiel

Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit

Story: Miles is in his home looking her his sister, and finds his dad’s beaten body. Selim has taken Billie, and texts Miles to meet him at the Brooklyn Bridge. It’s a deadly battle on the bridge, Selim thinks he get the upper hand with help from Mindspinner. But then Shift shows up to help Miles just as the evil clones threaten to throw the baby off the bridge. Just as Selim is about to stab Shift from behind. Mindspinner saves his “brother” Shift. The two clone brothers start to fight, and seemly kill each other. As the two surviving Miles swing away with a safe and snoozing Billie, Shift shows love for his new brother with sweet graffiti tag of them together.

Grade: B-

This was a good and well written issue. But I could of done without a villain wanting to throw a Spider-Man’s loved one off a bridge again. I liked the back, and forth with Miles, and Selim. I like how Miles is bringing up that Selim fears him, and knows that deep down what they been doing is wrong. It really sells it is that these clones were just a twisted version of Miles’s own personality, and his fears.

The art is always one of the best parts of the book. Carmen’s killing it right now, while Curiel’s colors really sell the mood that the book is going for. You can really believe in Miles desperation to save Billie in the art alone. As I love his faces he drawls. I think I would enjoy this art if it ever gets a chances at doing am ASM run.

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1 Comment

  1. I really like this issue. The ending is heartwarming and helps miles grow Nowhere not his own character. The costume change makes sense too, judging by the destruction created by their fight! Also Shift will probably keep the old suit and miles will use the new one.

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