The Chi-Town Breakdown: The Sins of Norman Osborn


Nick Spencer
(Artist) Federico Vicentini
(Editor) Nick Lowe
(EIC) C.B. Cebulski
Date Released 9/16/2020
Issue Number #1
Price Tag: $4.99
Buy: Comixologyor GCC 

The Story:  The Web of Order assembles and basically answers all questions that I had from LAST issue.  Spider-Man goes in to save Norman, although he really rather not, and honestly who can blame him.  Sin-Eater cleanses Mr. Negative and gains his power and makes the clone of Dr. Kafka open magic door number one.  Who at the Crawlspace had Juggernaut for Spidey 2020 bingo? He’s about to rip the good doctor a new set of cupcakes, when Sin-Eater cleanses him.  Major power upgrade like Mario touching a star man.  Web of Order must stop Spidey in order to save him.

 The Breakdown:

  • The Order of the Web
  • Spidey’s Right
  • Kindred
  • Nitpicks
  • Grade

 Order of the Web

I’m siding with Mark on this, there’s gotta be a better name than this one.  Can I just call them “Mile’s Harem”.  Moving along, I like how Spencer writes the characters explaining “why” they are going the route they are going.  It feels like Spencer is informing us that he hears and understands the questions the readers may have.  Unfortunately it’s to move the story along because if they were to tell Peter the truth, there would be NO story.  Think of it this way, when Genie gave Aladdin some advice to win Princess Jasmine’s affection by advising to tell her the truth.  IF he done that, the genie would be free, Jafar would be in jail, and the Sultan would have seen that Aladdin was more than just a street rat and amended that pesky law to favor his daughter’s decision. Simple, right?  Boring too.  There was more story and action to be told and that’s the route Spencer is taking.  Logically it doesn’t make sense for them to go this route, but in this comic book world, that not how this works.

We now know that each of them has seen a different version of how Peter dies at the hands of the Green Goblin.  Gwen seems to be the only one understanding Peter’s thought process.  Sure you can let Sin-Eater take care of Norman, but what if that’s setting up for something worse. Give credit to Spencer for understanding that characterization of Spidey.  Again, Peter hates he’s doing it, but knows he has to.

 Spidey’s Right!

Sure, let Sin-Eater continue his madness, we’ll just stop him AFTER he “cleanses” Norman.  Little hard to do when he just “cleansed” Mr Negative and the freaking Juggernaut!!!  So now he has a healing factor, the powers of the Overdrive, Lethal Legion, Mr. Negative, and the Juggernaut.  Oh, not to mention a shotgun that will take anyone’s powers.  Norman is a dangerous and evil, he needs to be stopped.  The thing is if Sin-Eater “cleanses” Norman, he might inherit the traits of Norman.  That on top of all the other powers he’s collected…makes Sin-Eater almost impossible to stop.  Also, who had the Juggernaut for ASM 2020 bingo?  I’m willing to bet that Spencer watch Deadpool 2 and laughed out loud when Juggernaut appeared and decided to put him in ASM.


The plot thickens when Osborn reveals to Peter that he too is aware of Kindred.  Last time we saw Osborn and Kindred meet was during the Absolute Carnage arc.  It was made aware that Osborn KNEW who Kindred is but during that exchange, however when Peter asks Osborn what he knows, he’s silent on Kindred’s ID, just makes it very important that HE needs to be stopped.  So Osborn knows who Kindred is and refers to him as HE and HIM.  Sorry Stillanerd, after this I don’t buy that Kindred is Clone-Gwen-Paddy-Cake or Carlie Cooper.


  • This should have been an ASM title number not a tie in.  So much answers and content stored in this issue that it may leave the reader confused once they open #850.  They wanted 850 by itself so they made this a stand alone for legacy numbering reasons.  To an avid Spider-Title reader…you can’t fool me.
  • I don’t like X-Men or their villains making an appearance here in a Spidey book.  I understand why and see the great story potential for this, but what will happen to Juggernaut.  Guys kind of a bad ass and don’t want this issue to change that.  

GRADE: Gonna give this one a solid B+.  


Sorry for the latest of this review.  White Sox are in the playoffs and are trying to get the division title.  It’s kind of  addicting at the moment.  The Cleveland Indians just really need to go away…but I digress.  






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  1. I don’t think Kindred is a she…but I also don’t think Norman really knows who Kindred is.

    I think he thinks Kindred is Harry. Like the audience is meant to.

    But didn’t Kindred say something like “he thinks he knows me”?

    Though Mysterio definitely believes he knows who Kindred is and he refers to him as he. If there is a gender reveal coming there is some explaining to do.

  2. So the Juggnaright mini-series launched this week and he appears to be reformed…so the Sin-Eater cleansing may have been what triggered that, but he also has his powers so maybe when Stan’s defeated, the powers go back, but the soul remains pure?

  3. @Jack – The Message Board has been down for about a week. Brad mentioned it on FB/Twitter/Discord when it first crashed, and he mentioned it on last weekend’s YouTube episodes.

  4. Q: Is anyone else getting a “fatal error” white page when they click on the Message Board link?

  5. @hornacek Yeah, I wish an editor would’ve told the artist to change that guard’s look, because that guy looked EXACTLY like Jonah.

  6. On page 15 (? – I miss page numbers), when Sin Eater arrives at Ravencroft, just before he has his “Why you have forsaken me?” flashback, why does the guard that shoots Sin Eater look exactly like Jonah? I was wondering “Wait, was Jonah pretending to be one of Sin Eater’s followers and now he’s revealed himself to take him down? Or is Jonah moonlighting as a Ravencroft guard?”

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