Video Game Review: Spider-Man PS1

Spider-Man The Game (Playstation 1)

Publisher: Activision

Developer: Neversoft

Even the box art is awesome!

Platforms: PS1, N64

The Good

Activision, and Neversoft do a remarkable job bringing the web-head to life in this game. Even Stan-Lee narrates certain parts of the game! They arm Spidey with a very creative arsenal of web based attacks, and even clever hand-to-hand combat

techniques. He is also armed with the fan favourite “Spidey Compas”. The graphics in this game are amazing for a Playstation 1 game. The game is based on the critically acclaimed Tony Hawk Pro Skater engine, and it really shows. Fans will be happy to know that classic villains, such as Rhino, Scorpion, Mysterio, Venom, and Carnage play large roles in the games story development.  Another strong point would be the cameos by other heroes like Black Cat and Daredevil. There are also a load of Easter eggs in this game that consist of issues of Amazing Fantasy #15 scattered throughout levels,

The Fantastic 4’s Baxter Building, the Green Goblin’s lair, and you can even find the Lizard trapped in the sewer level. There are also many unlockable costumes. The voice acting in this game is above par as Rhino Ramono does a fantastic job voicing Peter, and Jennifer Hale returns from the animated series to voice Black Cat. The level designs, and challenges are very thought out and deliver a unique Spider-Man experience.

The Bad.

Unfortunately, this game does have its downfalls. The camera tends to do whatever it wants at crucial moments in the game often drifting into a wall, or inside Spider-Man. Also the faces in this game are very flat,

it looks like someone took facial features and steam-rolled them on to 3D sprites. Another peculiar fact is that Mary Jane, and Black Cat share the same body type. Yep it looks like they took MJ’s clothes and put them on Black Cat. Also sometimes you will encounter glitches that often lead you into punching enemies who don’t die or falling through floors, and getting stuck in walls.


This game is known among fans as the best Spider-Man game ever created, and I would have to agree with them. The game captures Spidey’s one-liners perfectly and makes you love the character. The game

play is near perfect, and emulates Spidey’s powers successfully. The voice acting is reminiscent of the 90’s animated series, in other words way better to that of Web of Shadows. In conclusion, if you’re a Spider-Man fan and don’t own this game then your missing out it’s time to dust off your Playstation 1 and slip this puppy in, you won’t be disappointed.

Rating: 5 1Ups/5

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  1. Not that I know of Chencho, other than that the N64 version doesn’t have animated cut-scenes. If you can get it for a good price, you should get it anyways, just to have it!

  2. The best? I wouldn’t go THAT far… I mean you couldn’t even touch the ground in some stages…

  3. ????? You mean all of you SOLD your copies?!?!? Shameful!!!

    BTW, Brad… THIS is where I heard that Apollo 440 theme for the first time…

  4. I found this at a used game store for $10.00 and had to pick it up. Brought back good memories, and still very fun.

  5. I think the greatest thing about this game is that it has aged (and will age) so well! Like, I can go from playing a new game now, and then pop this baby in and it barely feels awkward (which doesn’t happen with most older games, sometimes there’s too big a gap in the gameplay of the games…) And (aside from a few things) the story will always be relevant.

  6. This game never gets old for me. Sure the gameplay has been updated in the years since, but it’s always been a blast to play. Funny, action packed, and just plain awesome. This is still IMO one of the top 3 Spider-Man games of all time.

  7. I loved this game. While it’s sequel had some gameplay improvements, the story was soooo much better in this game

  8. IMO, this game was as revolutionary for its time as Arkham Asylum is for superhero games right now. It really paved the way for all the modern Spidey games since it, and the awesome thing about it is that it’s still a decent game. I personally rank it #3 among Spider-Man games (with #2 being Ultimate SM and #1 obviously being SM2).

  9. This game is classic of the genre and is forgotten and underrated, sadly. Still love this game, this and SM2 (PS2, X-Box, GC) are the best.

  10. This game is definetly in my Top 5 Spidey games. I mean cmon, Doc Ock merged with Carnage? That was awesome.

  11. Thus is my second favorite spidey game of all time second to only ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN but the story line to the ps1 game iz amazing it hasthe beet voice acting out of all the games. Plus it was just plain ol damn fun

  12. … did I travel back in time again? 😛

    I loved this game, but I don’t think it would hold up at all if I tried to play it again. Still, it’s no accident that Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is going to hearken back to this game by being level-based.

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