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After ‘The Gauntlet’: “O.M.I.T.” (An Editorial.)

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  1. I know I’m a little late in posting my comments but this particular blog post made me think. It was an absorbing piece. I have become a returning visitor to your site since I came across your site a while back. I can’t say that I agree with everything you stated but it was definitely engrossing ! I manage a small establishment that secures funding for businesses in the Houston market. You could say I specialize in Houston Hard Money and deal with folks that banks won’t even talk to anymore. I’m helping to create American jobs so I hope you’ll allow me including my link in this post. I’m always seeking to advertise our truly unique service and am the type of person who still believes America keeps improving in spite of our present difficulties. I’m not sure if my earlier comment was successful so I’m attempting again. Thanks again for an enlightening blog post. I will be back again soon.

  2. “Wait a minute, they just announced Marvel vs. Capcom 3! Screw this I’m selling this system and getting my PS3 back. MAHVEL BABY IT’S SO PRINGLES!”

  3. “Gee, you think with these controllers there would be at least ONE good web-swinging game! Suckers!”

  4. Geeze! I thought my third movie wasn’t that great but the third spider-man game sucks!

  5. “Wow,That’s what I sound like?No, I didn’t to activate the black suit.Oooo…Hey there cat?Virtual Flirting For The Win!”
    “Peter,What are you doing?”
    “Oh,Shit It’s Mary Jane!Uhh Just playing Web of Shadows for Wii.”

  6. “I stopped playing Playstation 3 after they got rid of the Spider-Man Movie font in their logo. SO CLOSE!”

  7. “ARRGH! No unlockable costumes for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 on the Wii? WTF???”

  8. “Wow Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is great! How come I’m not in this game? Is it because I compared Akuma to a Samurai Pizza Cat during Marvel vs. Capcom 2? Boy those Tatsunoko lawyers can sure hold a grudge. Take that Ken The Eagle and Tekkaman Blade! My Ryu and Chun-Li team is too strong! THIS ONE’S FOR JJ!”

  9. Take that, Mephisto! And that! And that! And this!
    Wooo hooo, love this game!

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