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Podcast #611-Spider-History April 2003

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Spider-Man 101 Part 5: The Men who Made Spider-Man

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  1. Hey, Peter’s eyes are blue in this panel. Toby Maguire gets a no-prize.

  2. I remember reading this for the first time and thinking how screwed could he be and how in the hell could that disease be ever explained!

    Great tale.

  3. The only context where radiation *not* being in the blood is a bad thing. I’ve made fun of the sheer amount of times Peter’s lost his powers and/or quit, but I guess it’s just an overused cliche in superhero fiction generally, when you have a character whose whole thing is being a superhero, I guess taking that away from them is one of the most devastating things you can do. Pretty sure this was one of many times he was losing them because of the flu though, which *is* a cliche pretty specific to Spidey, at least in his early days.

  4. “Unmasked At Last!” Well, except for that time in ASM #12 when he was publicly unmasked.

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