Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #514 Review

Amazing Spider-Man #514 (#73)
“Sin Past-Part Six”
Writers: J. Michael Straczynski
Penciler: Mike Deodato Jr.
Inker: Joe Pimentel
PLOT: This is the final chapter of “Sins Past.” Probably the most controversial storyline since the “Clone Saga.” There have been plenty of ups and downs in this roller coaster ride, but we finally get to the climax. Sarah has been seriously injured after being shot last issue. There is a lot of blood loss, and Sarah’s system has been rejecting any type of transfusion due to the genetic structure of her body. Without “special” blood, she will die. Luckily for her, Spider-Man volunteers to donate his in an attempt to save her life. The transfusion will cause Peter to be weak and possibly fall in and out of consciousness.
Gabriel finds the Goblin hideout that Norman has set for him and his after they had supposedly defeated Spider-man and Peter Parker. Norman offers a cure to the accelerated growth problem, as well as added strength if Gabriel injects himself with the serum left for him. The drawback is a lifetime of lunacy, psychosis, and other types of psychological problems. Gabriel takes the offer and dresses in the custom made Gray Goblin outfit left for him. He then goes off to find Spider-man. A fight ensues when he reaches him, but Peter is at a distinct disadvantage since he is weakened due to the blood transfusion.
Sarah enters the scene and tries to reason with Gabriel, but is attacked when she sides with Peter. As Sarah dodges, she shoots at Gabriel with a gun stolen from a security officer, and hits the glider. The glider explodes and sends Gabriel spinning into the water. While Sarah is walking away, Peter blacks out of exhaustion. By a nearby beach, a disoriented Gabriel crawls out of the water. He has no clue who he really is.


  • The art by Deodato and Pimentel is gorgeous and beautifully drawn. This has been the strong point of the story.
  • I like the fact that Norman is in jail is finally acknowledged. I was worried they weren’t even going to bring this up.
  • Great redesigned on the Goblin costume. The gray suit with the bright yellow eyes is chilling.
  • I like the way they tie in Gabriel’s memory black out to Norman Osborn’s amnesia early in Amazing Spider-Man lore.


  • The story arc ended with a whimper. Not really much action between Spidey and the Gray Goblin.
  • It made little sense to me that Spider-Man’s irradiated blood would be accepted by Sarah’s genetically altered body.
  • I’m still having a bit of trouble aligning the continuity issue and nailing down exactly when did Gwen sleep with Norman and around what issues did she have the children.

FAVORITE QUOTE: A defeated Gabriel speaking to a stranger on the beach. “My name…? I don’t… I don’t remember…I don’t remember…”

RATING: 4 webheads out of 5. A very good, well crafted story that kind of fizzled out at the end.

Reviewed by AC-WEB (Ariel Chaidez) 

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