Dead No More: Spidey Kicks Butt… AGAIN

The Death of Spidey Kicks occurred this month.

After nearly 22 years, it is no more. For many, it was the gateway, the introduction to the Podcast, the website, and much MUCH more. But, I am here to announce something.

Starting Monday, we will see JR return, sort of.

We will be posting all, I mean, ALL the old articles, as they were on the site, for your viewing pleasure. Only changes will be minor grammatical errors corrected, or a minor editors note here and there. I am going to try to get High-Resolution Images, to replace the older low-resolution images on the site. We will be doing this as many days as we can, all while the quarantine is going on.

We will start with Spider-Man 101, Then the Mary Jane Series, Squandered Legacy, Goblin Prince, Etc. I will do my best to keep all the formatting of the original articles, as much as possible, At least trying to pull the images from the internet as much as I can.

Thanks to JR for letting us share the wealth!

Tentative Schedule:
Monday, April 20-Spider-Man 101 Part One
Tuesday, April 21-Spider-Man 101 Part Two
Wednesday, April 22-Spider-Man 101 Part Three
Thursday, April 23- Spider-Man 101 Part Four
Friday, April 24- Spider-Man 101 Part Five
Saturday, April 25- – Spider-Man 101 Part Six

These articles are an excellent history of Spider-Man. For Beginners, for Intermediates, for even Advanced knowledge of the character. They’re a great companion to listen to all of our Spider-History episodes!  Click here for every one of them!

We will take a couple of days off, returning on Friday, May 1st (Mayday!) with the next series, Why did it have to be You, Mary Jane? A 3-Part Retrospective that delves into why Mary Jane had to be the love of Peter’s Life!

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  1. Would it be possible, as the very last chance I assume, to get the final articles JR wrote but didn’t put up, or at least the end of the 2007 year in review? I’m probably the only one who remembers this but it would be nice to see for completeness sake, to not leave the last series hanging. I know JR finished it as it was up unedited for one hot moment back in the day.

  2. Very sad to see the website go, but glad that the articles will be hosted here. I’ve gone back and re-read those articles again and again over the years. The Hobgoblin series in particular is fascinating, and my favorite, but the Norman Osborn/Green Goblin stuff is amazing too.

  3. Dear god, I had no idea that this much work was going to go into this. Brad has always had a long standing offer to host the articles, which I appreciated, but frankly, I thought their time had come and gone. And when I put the stake in the site once and for all and the offer was made again, rather than act like an ungrateful old cur, I said “yeah sure, go ahead.” That this effort, especially the work Zach is doing, is being made to preserve and polish the articles, and the reception it has received, genuinely moves me. But does this mean I can never criticize the Clone Saga, or make fun of Zach’s hairline, or be totally perplexed by the fact that he appears to have a kind and devoted girlfriend?

  4. I said this the first (?) time I appeared on a call-in show, but SKB was what introduced me to the Crawl Space, so I’ll always be indebted to it for that.

  5. Spidey Kicks Butt is what introduced me to the Crawlspace, so this will definitely be a treat.

  6. Rather sad to see the site go but overjoyed that the content will still be available here. If you haven’t read it all, you’re in for a treat.

  7. I remember finding the original site when I was about 15 and reading through all the articles that were on offer with a lot of enthusiasm, it really helped me get back into Spider-Man after a long period of not reading the comics (brought on mostly by One More Day, which I hated even as a kid!) I’m saddened to hear that it’s gone now, but happy to hear that new and improved versions of the articles will be put up soon! I can’t wait for this excuse to read through them all again, while I don’t agree with all of JR’s viewpoints, I find them all incredibly fun to read about.

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