“Kay Day”‘s Breakdown: The Amazing Mary Jane #6


Leah Williams (Writer)                      Kelly McDaniel  (Review)
Carlos Gomez (Artist)                        Brad Douglas (E.I.C)
Carlos Lopez  (Colors).
Various Artists (Cover Artist)           
Kathleen Wisneski (Asst Editor)
Nick Lowe (Exec. Editor)
C.B. Cebulski (E.I.C)
                                              Recap:  Mary-Jane is back in New York after taking on the Savage Six single handly and saved her film!   There’s no time for a meaningful reunion with our favorite Red-Head and Web-Head however as MJ has to do a press tour. As MJ is working it on the press circuit she finds herself in the middle of a mystery that throws everything upside down!  


Mary-Jane is back in New York doing an interview for what can only be described as evil hipster Ellen. The talk show has a few questionable surprises, including, reuniting MJ with Cage McKnight — the REAL Cage McKnight. Uh oh!But that’s the least of MJ’s worries after what she sees offset. 


Peter is early for a date for once, and we end in the issue with Mary Jane in Montana?

Still with me?  This is about to be a wild ride.

Thoughts:  I read this issue about 5 times in the last couple of days trying to gather my thoughts and really try to understand what happened?!?!?  This issue is fast pace and abrupt and just feels like a completely different creative team at different points. The abrupt changes in MJ’s thought process and the fact we weren’t given enough context to fully understand what is going on felt rushed. There’s not a lot of explanation and everything seems frantic.

I actually didn’t realize Mary Jane was back in New York when she’s on the talk show set.  It’s only when we see Peter trying to meet up with MJ at the restaurant that I understood they were in the same city. This was also confusing because the taping seemed to be going on at the same time as Peter getting to the restaurant. Wouldn’t they have talked since she got back especially since they planned the date, right?

I have all these questions to try and fully understand how this story is being set up for the rest of the series and this issue just feels like it’s missing a page or two. 

The issue is also hindered by the abrupt and obvious artist changes and it just adds to this confused feeling I have while reading the issue. Nothing feels consistent and as polished as we have had in the previous story arc. 

If I have to grade it, I want to give it a C. 

The current silver lining for this series and why I don’t want to give a failing grade is because we have more issues to see this story get fleshed out and hopefully get some answers.

I want to give Williams the benefit of the doubt, It seems like this issue needed to be sent in quickly and she wasn’t quite prepared for the 2nd part of this series and I’m hoping in future issues we can get a better grounding in this story and redeem MJ’s fearlessness and signature gumption because it really wasn’t here for this issue.

I’m really disappointed in these issues as the kick-off the 2nd half of the series because the 1st half was pretty awesome. 

Let me know what you think in the comments below. I would love to know your thoughts! 

Thank you, Chi-Town for letting me review this issue! 


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  1. I might not agree with the points made, but this review was better written than the actual comic.

    Putting aside the bait and switch, you telling me the premise of this arc is that MJ is in witness protection because she saw someone commit murder…whilst wearing a mask?

    What possible reason could Oni-Mask guy have for bothering to eliminate a witness. She couldn’t give any useful evidence because she doesn’t know what he looks like. Just ditch the mask and no one can pin the crime on him.

    And if he was that concerned about witnesses why wear an incredibly attention grabbing mask in the first place?

  2. What a bait and switch. You thought MJ was back in New York? Now she’s out of the state! You thought she was being reunited with Peter? She pulled one of his moves.

    Is the second artist supposed to be who’s taking over for Carlos Gomez? If so…while the art is fine, it just pales in comparison to Gomez’s pencils.

    I liked that they showed MJ having a reasonable reaction to witnessing a Supervillain committing murder. She acts like an experienced, courageous, civilian who believably freaks out but still tries to help by getting people out of there and reporting the crime, rather then actually take down the dangerous bad guy who might be above her weight class (Cough) Savage Six (Cough). I mean, she’ll probably end up beating this guy anyways, but I liked that we got a more realistic reaction here.

    It is kind of refreshing seeing MJ flipping the dynamic between her and Peter where she unwillingly ends up ditching him because she had to do the right thing.

    Man, they sure lucked out that McKnight seems to be such a ditz and MJ can darn spin anything. Maybe they’ll actually be able to launch this movie without it being leaked that Mysterio was behind everything? Of course, nothing is that easy.

    I’m guessing MJ was planning to tell Peter about Mysterio over dinner. Now I’m expecting it’s going to get drawn out until it comes out at the worst possible time. Possibly when it gets leaked to the general public and before Mary Jane could explain it to Peter?

    I wonder what was up with that woman standing around a police station in a black bra and panties. Couldn’t they at least give her a towel?

    I love how MJ has Peter as “Tiger” in her Call List. Like, I don’t know if it’s ever come up before, but of course that is how she would list him in her contacts .

    We get more of people recognizing MJ, from the Taxi Cab driver to a detective (and his daughter is a fan too).

    So is that Oni-guy going to stalk Peter thinking it will lead him to MJ, not knowing it’s Spider-Man?

    “I’d rather not arrest one of my daughter’s favorite actresses as a material witness.” Hopefully that’s the closest MJ gets to a brush with the law at this point.

    I guess the “Sheriff MJ” cover was more accurate then we expected, what with her ending up in Montana with nothing but a mini-dress and high-heeled boots.

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