STRECH GOAL ACHIEVED! ASM 2 Commentary this Saturday!

Greetings Crawlspacers!

When we first began utilizing Patreon as a means to help keep the site going with the Podcasts, one of our ‘streach goals’ was to create a commentary for the Mark Webb Directed Amazing Spider-Man 2 film from 2014. This week, we achieved our goal, and we will be doing this for all our Patreon Subscribers. Everyone who pledges even just one dollar will be elegible as a THANK YOU for supporting things you like. How do you become part of the group? Simple:

Go to and become a subscriber. You’ll be sent the super secret link to join us on Youtube and watch it live for this edition!

Feel free to contribute what you can, every little bit helps us continue to make tweaks, and be able to do things like upgrade our software, and streamline things to make it an overall better experience.

Once again, here’s the skinny:

Step 1: Go to 

Step 2: Become a Subscriber by selecting your Tier

Step 3: Stay tuned and we will let you know when we go live. Tenatively speaking, we will go live at approximately 9PM Central Time. (10PM East Coast, 3 AM for our frieds across the pond)

NOTE: Every  Contribution is helpful. Thank you all for your support.


Certain Tiers get exclusive Benefits, such as Spider-Satillites, Spidey-One-Shots, (Episodes that review the PS4 game, WHO IS KINDRED? and so much more coming soon) 

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1 Comment

  1. Good grief, I don’t pay you guys enough monthly on Patreon to have you subject yourself to this torture.
    Thanks for putting ourselves out there for our entertainment 😉

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