Spider-Girl in 616?

Tom Defalco recently spoke with Newsarama to promote the upcoming relaunch of Spider-Girl. One notable tidbit stood out for me.

Nrama: Has there been any thought of just moving Spider-Girl to the present time and having her deal with life in the current Marvel universe the way Marvel Girl and Cable have been used?

DeFalco: Yes. Joe Quesada, Tom Brevoort, Tom Brennan, Ron Frenz and I have occasionally discussed the idea of transferring Mayday to the current and so-called ‘real’ Marvel Universe.  Unfortunately, I think that a big part of Mayday’s appeal is because she has a large supporting cast — each with their own histories, hang-ups and conflicts — and we couldn’t possibly bring them all with us.  Also, since Mayday could no longer interface with her dad, mom or baby brother in the real MU, the series would become about her efforts to return home.  It’s an interesting creative challenge.  Ron Frenz and I are still working on a solution and we think we’re getting close…


Interesting stuff. I know there has been talks of bringing Mayday into the regular Marvel continuity for some time, but Tom Defalco hasn’t seem enthusiastic about the idea.

I’m not sure I like the idea either. Spider-Girl belongs in the MC2 Universe. Having here appear in the 616 Universe would just confuse things too much. What do you guys think?

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  1. This summer, I would have loved to see it, as I toyed with the idea of a similar fanfic. Now though, I am sort of horrified. Having Spider-girl in the 616-universe sounds like nothing more than an attempt to raise the sales, and she will probably be used to promote the current stories and not fixing them. I just don’t have any faith in Marvel to do this right, and this comes from a guy who read too much fan-fiction as it is. What scares me is the possibility of this becoming another backfire for Marvel. I loath what they did to Spider-man, and as Spider-girl is the only other Marvel comic I still enjoy, and I don’t want her to be trapped in what can only be called the biggest mistake in comic history.

  2. My main issue with it would be that by being in 616 Marvel they would grimdark it to death like they do everything else. Plus her title would have to tie into whatever bloated clusterf**k event storyline they have going this week.

  3. @Iron Lantern – I thought Peter Parker and Miguel O’Hara met once? Yeah, it was in the 1995 one-shot “Spider-man 2099 meets Spider-Man.”

  4. Just thinking of something, has Marvel ever really had a crossover between books of different universes? That could be on of the main differences between Marvel and DC, haha.

  5. I prefer Mayday remain in the MC2 universe, where I can continue to ignore her ongoing adventures. 😉

  6. Mayday making a short time visit to 616 like a mini series? Fine, even though I don’t think it’s a good time for the visit it could be interesting to see her opinion of the BND status quo. Especially if she did change it for the better (not counting on it.) Long term? No, there are too many characters from her universe that would be missed. I certainly wouldn’t want to pick up every issue to see her missing her family and friends. Of course this kinda reminds me a bit of the time she visited her dad during his teen days. How about Darkdevil comes along for the ride too? That way he’d be the only one from her world she could really trust and perhaps then he’ll finally reveal who he is to her. And his reaction to Peter making a deal with a demon/devil alone would be worth the crossover.

  7. *laughs at comments getting deleted*

    I could look forward to something along the lines of what Iron Lantern outlined. I think it would work. And Trujillo–yes, that would just make it all even sweeter.

  8. but how funny would it be for may to figure out what went on in the 616 then go back to mc2 and tell her parents they made a deal with mephisto and that they weren’t married and peter was sleeping with felicia! Their heads would spin! then Peter could “turn to the camera”, wink, and say that would never happen!

  9. Who is this frak people are referring to, I don’t see his/her comment above??
    Anyway, I agree with most of the posters here that Mayday should be kept in the MC2 universe, old farts like me enjoy seeing the maturation and aging of people, and peter and mj raising their teenage child. Leave whiny, shiftless, perpetually 25 year old Peter in the regular universe.

  10. bah… BAH, I say… like Spider-Man Family.. she’ll just be used to help move some 616 Spider-Man books that aren’t selling too well.

    What’s wrong with just continuing her OWN book?

  11. @Frak
    I have read your diatribe numerous times yet I don’t see the point. Saying that the only reason they would even consider adding Spider-Girl into the regular continuity is to dangle a carrot for fans of the marriage or to hurt fans is silly. The fact of the matter is that comic books in general owe a great deal of their appeal to having this shared universe, adding Spider-Girl to the regular continuity could increase sales on a book has shown difficulty finding a larger audience. Your scenarios are also ludicrous and show us a great deal about the way you think. (which frankly, is quite frightening). And for someone who is talking about respect and maturity, you have shown a lack of both those things.

  12. First off: I am shocked and amazed how quickly the topic got so derailed. (thank you Iron Lantern for putting us back on topic).

    I don’t think that moving Spider-Girl into regular continuity is a good idea. I like it just the way it is, in its own universe. Spider-Girl has her own rich mythology and history, to try and shoehorn it into the 616 universe would be a mistake. It may increase sales in the short-term but in the process you would lose what makes the title special and unique. That being said: part of me would be very happy if they did an out of continuity tale bringing them together.

  13. (Just ignore it guys, it’s not worth getting into a tussle about)

    Initially, I thought that the story could go something like:

    PART 1:
    – May transported to 616 somehow, confused as hell
    – She does something, gets attention of Peter, they briefly fight
    – May totally destroys Pete in a fight
    – They stop fighting and talk to each other, May explains.
    – May: “I guess… I’m your daughter?” Peter: *freaks out*
    – Some sort of team up

    PART 2:
    – Since May knows its Peter, they hang out while not in costume.
    – May meets Peter’s friends [would Peter hitting on May be too extreme…? Something tells me that’s what would involuntarily happen….]
    – They go swinging
    – Argument happens somehow
    – May calls Pete a loser nothing like HER dad, which makes him really mad and leave
    – He thinks about how right she is

    PART 3:
    – May needs Pete’s help [maybe MC2 villain comes?]
    – Pete almost neglects to come
    – He apologizes for everything and they make up
    – They share stories over coffee, and May explains who she is more in depth.
    – Peter brings up what happened with MJ, May is quiet. Pete asks who her mother is in her universe and she doesn’t answer.
    – When May is about to return, she tells Pete MJ is her mother and Pete get’s the whole WTF thing going.
    – After May leaves [calling Pete “dad”], Pete seriously begins to get his act together.

    All in all I think this could be a major way to get Peter out of the “blarrrrgh LOSER” thing he’s got going. Of course it’s not going to happen, though…

  14. Having Mayday in the 616 MU might be just what retcons OMD/BND. If they do bring Spider-Girl over, Peter is sure to find out about the girl in the Spidey suit. Ben Urich might even assign Nora & Peter to the story for Frontline. If he finds out that Mayday is Spider-Girl, then that’d help he and MJ get back together…….I hope.

  15. You wonder if the same people who insult others on message boards and comment sections would do the same to their face. They couldn’t hide behind a stupid screen name or moniker.

  16. @Frak, in defense of GregXB, i don’t think that an appearance of Mayday in the 616 would immediately snowball out of control into raunch-fest 2010…and i know this sounds sarcastic but, last time i checked Spidergirl is portrayed as a woman wearing tight spandex who’s not short on sex-appeal, certainly more similar to some of the current female superheros of the 616 than that of a victorian age woman, imo…so i’m not sure just how ‘pure’ her depiction has traditionally been…aside from that i do agree with you that she doesn’t belong in the current 616…

  17. BND needs to be fixed first. Even then, they should leave Mayday where/when she is. The occassional cross over would be fun to see, but otherwise leave it be.

  18. This sounds like a really fun idea if it was done before OMD/BND. Or a really good fanfiction that when horrible wrong.

  19. Frak, I was with you until:

    “to completly turn Mayday into a “modern Marvel woman”, and before you know it, she’s sleeping naked,”

    Um… what? Lots of people do this, and I’m as anti-BND as anyone, but that just makes you sound like a raving nut.

  20. Confusing to say the least Bertone…I will certainly not be in support of this until Quesada and the gang address what happened to baby May/MJ pregnancy during Revelations according to the BND-verse…it would seem nonsensical to me to bring her back into a universe in which she ‘currently’ never existed…first things first web-heads, explain the MJ pregnancy (or lack thereof) in BND and THEN lets talk mayday coming in…

  21. I May would be horrified to learn that her parents traded their marriage to satan in 616.

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