Cobwebs #56: Spidey Goes Bananas!

Hello True Believers!  I’ve got a piece of Spider-Man history today you might not be familiar with!  It’s a little known fact the original words to the theme song were not “Action is his reward!”  This matter was set straight in 1980.  What is Spider-Man’s true reward?  Read on!


This is a short one today, folks! There are some topics that stand on their own merit and words from me will just get in the way.  I was going to a post on the Spider-Man / Power Pack PSA, but got completely side tracked by these two glorious goodies from the United States Department of Agriculture!

In 1980, the USDA worked with Marvel to produce two TV spots that were guaranteed to get kids eating right!

In case you couldn’t hear right, the mayor was about to give him $400 MILLION.  So many thoughts go through my head here:

The zoo?  You brought that thing to the zoo?

The mayor just happened to have a banana on him?  Hey, is that a banana in your pocket or are …  Oh it is?  OK.

I know, I know.  This whole thing is crazy town banana pants.

In a large way, it explains this scene in the new Amazing Spider-Man #1:


Just to make sure we got the point, there was another one!


Folks, what else needs to be said?  These glorious PSAs say enough!  Plus, I need to wrap this up because I feel the incredible urge to run out and buy some fruit!





‘Nuff Said!

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