Nick Spencer Shows Crawlspace Love

New Amazing Spider-Man writer Nick Spencer visited Graham Crackers Comics in Chicago. Our own Chi-Town Spidey dressed up for the event. He also brought along along a Crawlspace love sign and printed off reviews from the site praising Spencer’s  his first issue on the title. He even agreed to do a future podcast interview with the site. Here is a transcription of Chi-Town’s interview.

Nicest guy around. Both he and his handler are VERY friendly and professional. They only kinda heard about the Crawlspace, so first impression…very good. He laughed and loved George’s thank you letter! His words “That’s awesome!!”

As for the questions.

1). I’m a Spider-Man fan! Even bigger Mary Jane fan and the relationship between her and Peter. After reading ASM #1 I was extremely happy, as well as many other fans, that you wrote Peter/Spider-Man so true to his character and more importantly that you got Peter and Mary Jane back together! The fan favorite spider couple have only been seen in ASM: Renew Your Vows as an itch to scratch and now they are back in the core title after about 10 years. It feels like a void has been filled. You gave what the fans wanted! It seems that you a fan of Mary Jane and the relationship of Peter and Mary Jane? Is there any kind of plans that you can share about Mary Jane in future issues?

Nick: “Well…I can’t go FURTHER into details about what’s going on with them. I DO however love that people are really on board with it. The enthusiasm is great! I love writing about the two and as for Mary Jane I AM a fan of her, for sure. She is such an important character in comics and in Spider-Man’s history. “

2). You also have added accountability on responsibilities that Peter should be addressing. He seems more grounded now and focused on what he needs to do. More mature in a way which fans have been praising you for and that’s just your FIRST issue. Will this theme continue in future issues during your run?

Nick: “YES. Spider-Man is all about power and responsibility. We will be diving into more of that his coming arc.”

3). Will events that happen in Amazing bleed over into Spectacular and vise versa?

Nick: “Chip and I are very good friends and we have been talking closely about what we are doing in our books and as far as our books crossing over or bleeding through…you’ll see *smiles*”

4). Have you ever heard of the Spider-Man Crawlspace? It’s a Spider-Man fan website that focuses on all things spidey and is big fan of your run on Superior Foes and is extremely happy and loving your first issue on the Amazing Run! and would you care to do a more extensive interview with my editor Brad Douglas? He has interviewed many Spidey writers and artists that worked on the webslinger. It’s a fan friendly interview and he would like your handler’s contact information so he can reach out on more specific details.

Nick: “ABSOLUTELY! Would love to do an interview with Brad.”


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  1. Wow, an ASM writer who actually seems enthusiastic and open to the Crawlspace? Talk about your “Fresh Start.”

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