Panel of the Day #150! (Splash Page Sunday!)

When I originally planned this post, it wasn’t supposed to be a tribute; I just wanted something that felt appropriate for the 150th Panel of the Day. The universe has its way of throwing curve balls at us.

I first encountered Steve Ditko’s art in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #20, which reprinted Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #25, “Captured by J. Jonah Jameson!” His art was exactly what I was looking for, and I revisited that story again and again. A little while later, I went to Waldenbooks with my family and saw Essential Spider-Man Vol. 2 left behind by somebody in the spinner rack with the new comics. I flipped through it and knew I had to have it; it collected a good chunk of Ditko’s run (the second half), including the reprinted issue I loved so much. That trade must have been my most prized possesion, and eventually I would find the first volume and add it to my collection.

In the years since, I’ve gone back-and-forth on whether I like Ditko’s art or not, finding things in it I like and things I don’t. Ultimately I’ve solidified him as one of my favorite Spider-Man artists of all time, and doing this feature for this site has only increased my appreciation for his work. One thing’s for sure, he designed the best mask that any superhero has worn and will ever wear.

I’ll end with this: Spider-Man wouldn’t be the character he is today without Steve Ditko’s influence, and that’s an objective fact.

Thank you, Steve.

Four months later I finally get back to where we left off, but I think this was how it was always meant to be.

Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #33

Published: c. December, 1965?
Cover Date: February, 1966

“The Final Chapter!”
Plot: Steve Ditko
Script: Stan Lee
Artist: Steve Ditko
Inker: Steve Ditko
Letterer: Artie Simek

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