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Panel(s) of the Day #93 (Caturday!)

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  1. I wish she would have shot him… then took off his mask. That would have done the old bat in.

  2. So Conway comes on board with #110 ish and within an issue of two Spidey is wearing a mask where you can see his eyes. The in store explanation was of course that Doc Ock pulled off the mask and JJJ was holding onto it, leaving Spidey to wear a costume bought from the store. This wouldve been a fine explanation for why he wore the mask for part of an issue. But he wore the mask where you could see his eyes for FOUR issues. Leaving me to think in retrospect that this mightve been an attempt at making this Spider-man’s premanaent look. Maybe it was an editorial direction from Stan Lee, who notoriously asked to give Iron Man a nose right around this same time? Or maybe it was an idea of Conways (ie “Wouldnt it be better if we could see the expression in his eyes?”) and now that he was the writer, he made the call to change the costume. They gave it an in-story explanation and let it play out for 4 issues. I can’t find anything on why they kept this look for so long. So Im thinking it was an attempt to see how the public reacted to seeing his eyes instead of the white lenses.

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