Spider-Man Cosplay #15! Featuring Silver Sable! (Dylan Furniss)

So let’s get started! What drew you into Spider-Man and when was that? What does Spider-Man mean to you?
I grew up reading my dads old comics and I always loved the Spider-man ones more than the others. Spider-Man means a lot to me due to the fact that he has always had a good heart, and he is young and humorous.

Favorite Spidey writers and artists?
Tom Defalco and Todd McFarlane.

Was there a favorite issue or story arc you like? Can you tell us why?
I love the Spider-Man gang war and the Web of Spider-Man, I think it is because they were the first ones I read as a kid.

Is there any merchandise you hold dear to you that represents your love for the character besides your Cosplay?
My entire room is covered with Spider-Man merchandise, every time I see something Spider-Man I buy it.

Silver Sable is one of your spider themed cosplay. What was that like designing the costume and did the costume present any hurdles to you when making it. What drew you into cosplaying that character?
The costume consisted of running around to every costume store I could find looking for anything silver and white. All I could find were gloves and cheap tactical belts and guns. I got boots and guns and just spray painted them all white, silver, and the guns black. I got my wig and I had to hand sew everything else which took a lot of all nighters. What drew me to Silver Sable is she is a total badass, I love female characters who are so independent and strong.

You suited up for the first time and ready to walk on out of the floor. What was that like and how did that feel?
I felt super insecure about my costume because it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. Once I walked into the Salt Lake City Comic Con all these fellow nerds came up to me excited to see someone cosplaying as Silver Sable, its not very common because she isn’t very known. I felt so much better once everyone asked me for pictures saying I looked fantastic.

Sometimes a costume you cosplay as defines you, because you represent it so much. Has anyone ever called you “Sable” while out of costume?
Only like one my friends do, and I honestly think all my other friends forget I even cosplay as her unless I bring it up.

Any specific Spider-Man Cosplayer that you know you wanna give a shout out to?
Yes my Boyfriend, Logan Lewis. He does Spider-Man Cosplay.

This is a Spider-Man site, but I’m sure people would like to know. What other cosplay costumes have you done?
I have cosplayed as my character in DnD, an elf druid ranger. There is a photo on my instagram. I also plan on doing a spiderwpman or spiderwpman II cosplay, or Shriek. I prefer cosplaying as characters who aren’t very known.

You don’t have to say Silver Sable, but which costume is your favorite to dress up as?
Silver Sable for sure!

Have you ever considered dressing up as another spidey themed character?
Yes I love all the female villains he faces! I had my sister be Black Cat with my Silver Sable and it was great. Again, I’m thinking Shriek.

Have you ever heard or visited the Crawlspace (this site)? If so what is your favorite feature on the site?
I have heard of it from my friend who got featured so I checked it out. I love how the site features cosplayers even if they are just small time ones and it allows them to feel more included in the fanbase.

Do you listen to the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast?  If so, do you have a favorite episode?
I have not, but I definitely will check those out.

Have you considered joining our message boards?
I will!

Where can people find you online if they wanted to?
@Dyl.pickle.1 on instagram.  I also have an art account where I post some comic art @DylanRachelleArt on intsagram



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