Marvel Legends Spider-Punk Review

Remember when I said we waited a LONG time to finally get a Prowler figure? Well, it turns out Hasbro must have agreed, because not only did they give us Prowler, but they also gave us his alternate reality counterpart, Spider-Punk, in the same Marvel Legends Lizard Build-A-Figure Series! How cool is that?


Spider-Punk is one nice figure! He has a lot going for him.



His body shares many of the same parts we’ve seen on past Spider-Man figures (Black Costume, Pizza Spidey, Ben Reilly Spider-Man, etc.), but there’s a fair bit of new parts, too. For one thing, he gets new shins, and something none of the past Spider-Men on this body mold have had: calf rotation! It’s cleverly hidden by his new shoes which have a very nice detailed sculpt. Spider-Punk also has a nice, intricately sculpted sleeveless jacket that allow for one to see the tiny fabric details, and it looks great! He also has a new head sculpt to accommodate the spikey look.


Spider-Punk is loaded with accessories! He comes with a brand new guitar, and you can see that they even sculpted in little worn details to show that Spider-Punk really plays this thing often. The guitar also has blue trim for the different parts on it, with a black strap. He also comes with four hands: A fist, a hand to hold and play the guitar, a “devil horns” hand, and, the coolest of all, a hand with a sculpted in guitar pick! I’m glad they opted to sculpt the pick onto the hand, because otherwise, I feel a separate pick piece would easily fall out and get lost. Finally, Spider-Punk comes with the right arm for the Lizard Build-A-Figure.


The paint is really crisp on my Spider-Punk figure. The web-lines are clean, as are the multiple other details. While he himself didn’t necessarily need any paint washes or dry brushing, I feel that it would have really brought out the worn details on his guitar and made the guitar look more realistic. As it is, it sort of reminds me of a cake with white frosting and blue trim. Still, it’s not terrible.


Spider-Punk is super-articulated, as any Spider-Man figure should be. In fact, thanks to his new calf/shoe rotation, he’s more articulated than any of the past Spider-Man that used this body as a base. He has a ball-jointed head, hinged neck, butterfly joints, shoulder swivels and hinges, bicep swivels, double-jointed elbows, wrist swivels and hinges, ab crunch, waist swivel, hip rotation, thigh swivels, double-jointed knees, calf/shoe swivels, ankle pivots, and ankle hinges. One thing of note on my Spider-Punk is that his ankles are loose, particularly his left ankle, which can make him difficult to pose and stand.



Overall, Spider-Punk is one heckuva cool Marvel Legends figure, and I’m definitely happy to add him to my Spider-Verse display among the likes of Spider-UK, Spider-Gwen, and Spider-Man Noir (who I’ll be posting a review of later). Here’s hoping Hasbro eventually reuses that guitar for a Hypno-Hustler figure (don’t lie, you know you’d buy one!).


You can pick up Spider-Punk from online retailers like Amazon (I got mine from Dorkside Toys) or try your luck at brick and mortar retail stores like Walgreens and Target.

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