Dark Avengers #11 Review

Web of Norman Osborn? Norman Osborn: The Spectacular Norman Osborn?

None of these really have a ring to them, so I guess the cover will have to go onto Dark Avengers or something.


WRITER: Brian Michael Bendis

ARTIST: Mike Deodato Jr. and Greg Horn

COLOURS: Rain Beredo


Three years ago: We get a bit of information about Victoria Hand and her S.H.I.E.L.D. career.

Now: The Molecule Man and his Molecule Friends (I’m afraid they are not the real villains) torment Norman Osborn, while explaining that all he wants is to be left alone in his world. He moves onto the rest of the Avengers, blowing up the Sentry, melting Venom, beating Moonstone with her own energy, turns Daken into a part plant lifeform, freezes Ares and turns Bullseye into water.

Eventually, Victoria Hand faces Molecule Man herself and declares their surrender…


-Deodato doesn’t have an off day, does he?

-The sequence of Norman’s mental torture.


-This is mainly an issue of the Molecule Man ranting.


Well, this issue was a little disappointing considering the cliff-hanger from the last issue. Good thing that the rest of it was better. Getting rid of the Dark Avengers one by one in very imaginative ways. Nice. The ways that the Molecule Man tormented Osborn were superb. Amazing writing from Bendis.

Unfortunately, a lot of this issue is a rant and a moan by the Molecule Man. Which is not uninteresting, but wasn’t the best character you could have had a spotlight on. It went on for a little too long, I thought.

The history of Victoria Hand was interesting and will probably come back later on in the series.

Art was once again good, the only problem was that there was less of it. Some pages were done by Greg Horn. Not a problem with the issue, I just love the Deadato artwork too much.


“That is angry water.”

“You should drink it.”


3.5 out of 5 (dark) webheads.

Good issue overall.

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  1. Tom, but the marriage has to have happened for the deal to be valid. Otherwise, their souls cannot cry out for eternity over what was lost or somesuch and Mephisto gets nothing from the deal.

  2. Oh I don’t say the deal didn’t happen. I just don’t care for a lot of the writing that followed. I like Slott’s stories and that’s it. Heck if Slott wrote evert issue I’d be fine with the change. Spider-Girl, the strip and tons of back issues fill my Spider-Marriage needs fine. New Avengers is cool because it doesn’t shine a light on that aspect of Spidey’s life. All in all if you don’t like where a character is now there’s always places you can turn.

  3. But Peter and Mary Jane aren’t married. The deal with Mephisto happened. That’s bible/fact/canon. Deal with it.

    Personally, I think that if Stan Lee doesn’t write it, it’s fan fiction. The only reason Marvel’s fan fiction is taken more seriously than yours or mine is an accident of copyright law.

  4. Given the “respect” that is given lately to the continuity and the “its magic” defense i wouldnt expect anything to be canon anymore, anyways great review, the Dark Avengers are really lingering on my taste, dont you think that now the villans on Marvel are the only ones getting character improvement?

  5. I’m not a fan of OMD / BND either but I’m rather indifferent about JMS’ entire run and nothing in it bugs me or upsets me really. PAD’s run in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man was the last time I enjoyed Spider-Man in 616. I give props to Bendis though because thus far I have not read a single 616 story by him where I couldn’t pretend Spidey was still married. The day that changes… Make Mine Justice League!

  6. Just because it’s still canon doesn’t mean it’s not a horrid mess of a story that also serves as an insult to my intelligence, much like OMD/BND…

  7. EDIT: I mean Sins Past. 90’s cartoon creeping up on me. Or maybe Gwen’s ghost forcing me to mess up! LEMME ALONE GWEN! LEEEEMME ALONE! -_-

  8. Sins Of The Father STILL HAPPENED! Eat it Gwen fans! I give this issue 1,000 stars out of 5. BENDIS SAID IT HAPPENED IT’S BIBLE / FACT / CANON DEAL WITH IT! 😛

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