Spidey Memories#67


“Amazing Spider-Man” issue 253. Even though Peter had dropped out of graduate school (a moved I thought really aged him) ten issues earlier, Hobgoblins, Black Cats and alien abductions had kept him from telling Aunt May. He breaks the news here and she is less than pleased. It was almost a year before they would make up.

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  1. Nathan Lubensky was one of the most irritating characters in comics, at least that’s how I felt when I when I was 12.

  2. Hmm, I’m not so concerned with May’s reaction as I am with Nathan’s. I’m kinda glad he’s dead after reading that. To me, it was a situation between May and Peter, not May, Peter, and some guy trying to take his Uncle Ben’s place by demanding an answer as if he has some authority on the issue.

  3. Mary Jane was the one helping to buy her hats, she probanly suggested Peter should get her one.

    Further proof MJ is the only woman for Peter. Suck it webheads

  4. I don’t think she overreacted, she was just overtly concerned for his future, likely because his career direction was (and still is, thanks Brain trust) completely directionless. The fact she held a grudge forever got kinda old though. Wasn’t it Peter’s buying her a hat in Web #2 (or thereabouts) the start of their making up?

  5. This wass the first proper instance of Aunt May demonstrating the harder edge she would continue to develop into the 1990s.

    Also, panel three is hysterical. Peter is giving May the “DO NOT TALK ABOUT GRAD CLUB” Mandate

  6. This is what Queasda wants back in amazing spider-man, now but wait this very things ages him an he’s NOT Married here, Bad pun I know but I had to put my two cents worth in here (about an aging super hero) sorry all!

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