Spider-Man Digital Comics

So would you subscribe to Marvel digital if it offered new stories? Marvel wants to find out. It’s launching Amazing Spider-Man digital written by Bob Gale and Patrick Oliffe. Here’s a video of what to expect in the first issue. The cost is $60 a year, or $10 a month.

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  1. At first I saw the spidey digital comics video and thought, this has potenal but then i saw the god damned words acroos the title…….b-b-b-bob gale. what the fuckt!! i thought marvel wanted to attravt readers but with this bull-shit guy who just insults his cutomers doing the one idea that might get more readers (kids are always on the computer). So i was gonna subscribe but this douche no fucking way. And to quote Morbius (kevin) this is gonna be splattershit……….

  2. I was actually subscribed to Marvel’s Digital Comics in the early part of 2008. The interface was clunky and I’d frequently come across issues that had not uploaded properly or were otherwise corrupted. When I did I’d send that off to whoever was reading their support email and got several “We care… no really, we care” automated messages. Weeks and weeks went by and the issues in question (one of which was a Kirby Eternals, if I recall) were never fixed. I didn’t stick around.

  3. @Doc Folsome–That’s right, if you include New Avengers, the mini-series, and guest appearances, then it really does add up doesn’t it? Oh, and nice to know that the $60 a year for the digital comics includes ALL their titles, so that’s something, I guess.

  4. I still prefer to pay to own my books… and I think it’s clear that not ALL Marvel books are worth paying for.

  5. The $60/year price tag gets you access to ALL of Marvel’s digital books, not just the spiderverse…which is over 5,000 books plus everything else new that they will eventually release in the digital format exclusively…of course if you only read spiderman then its a wash…nevertheless something to think about…

    @Stillanerd…when you’re adding up the cost of the ‘complete’ spiderman 616 story don’t forget to add in New Avengers and all the mini-series the Spiderman appears in throughout the course of the year…today at my LCS i anticipate cracking the $600 mark just to follow Norman in 2009…

  6. Well, they had to let Gale do something. Hopefully over there he’ll be relatively harmless.

  7. So now peter’s going to be going after high school girls? another story that cant be told if youre married!

  8. Face it, the only MJ Marvel will bother with is the uncharacterstic colourless cipher who left Peter after only a four-day abcense and snaps at him in a “Parker Luck” moment, not laughs it off or forgives Peter for doing the responsibile thing, being, y’know, his best friend and all.

    Michelle slowly turning into an MJ throwback (MJ redecorated Peter’s aparment several times in the pre-Wolfman days, and was even doing that after she turned down Peter’s first proposal) is another deliberate reality slap, reminding true fans of the MJ we loved from the silver age and beyond.

    All Gale has ever written is cheap gags that sound cool in context with an immesnly powerful dark comedy. When he was put in sole charge of the Back to the Future cartoon, it was bloody awful with crayon-level time travel stories. Nothing on the scale of the BTTF trilogy.

  9. One thing for sure is that we might be able to see things in the digital comics that we are not seeing in the normal comics. I’m pretty sure for starters they’ll put MJ in there. They know fans want to know whats happening with MJ.

  10. 60 dollars a year vs 10 bucks a month? I don’t think I would go for that even if Stan Lee were writing under proper continuity….
    and why would they try to charge that much in the first place with arguably their weakest writer? Nothing against the actual PERSON of Bob Gale.
    I think he’s probably the kindest sweet ol man that thinks his customers are morons….but his writing? Uh uh.

  11. Yeah, I’m sure gonna shell out $60 for some 616 Spidey… Not.

    Ultimate and I would have considered, Spidey Loves Mary Jane and I would have subscribed twice.

    I miss that book so much. ;_;

  12. Oh, and I just found out that the redhead painting the apartment pink as shown in the video is actually Michelle Gonzales, not Mary Jane. So, when did Michelle suddenly become a redhead!?

  13. I love Pat Ollife. Love the man, I really do. But I can’t shell out 60 clams a month for his art alone. Cuz I’m sure as heck not gonna do it for the writing.

  14. So, let me see if I can break this down: Thus far each issue of Amazing Spider-Man is $2.99, averaging three issues a month, making it essentially $9 a month, or $108 dollars a year. Then, you get Web of Spider-Man, which is $3.99 per month, which is roughly $48 dollars a month. Now, we get Amazing Spider-Man digital which is nearly $5 a month, meaning it’s $60 a year. Meaning that if fans want to get the “complete” picture, they now have to shell out $216 a year. That’s certainly asking a lot. Not to mention that, given how Amazing Spider-Man digital is a “monthly” comic and apparently is going to be a prolonged story Bob Gale is doing, you know that it’s going to end up being behind in terms of what’s going on over in Amazing. And, of course, it’s Bob Gale who didn’t exactly set the comic book world on fire with his Amazing Spider-Man stories.

    Also, is that Mary Jane helping to paint Peter’s apartment pink?

  15. If they want this to attract new subscribers they need to find ANY other writer and pay the artist to do more than doodle.

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