Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Game Screen Caps

Activision has released several screen shots of the new Spider-Man: Web of Shadows video game. The game seems to involve a symbiote invasion. Marvel mainstays like Luke Cage and SHIELD are confirmed in the game. The storyline will be based on the comics, not the movies. The game is scheduled to be released for all the major game systems on October 21, 2008.
Source: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3168149

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  1. … with an attitude like that, could I interest you in a copy of Spider-Man 3?

  2. No. I refuse to get excited until the final release and above average scores…

  3. No, I think it’s probably just a generic Goblin. It does look ama…um…incredible! Thank you GOD this is for the DS!

  4. Damn! It looks amazing! Is that Iron Man on the left? Cuz it looks like his armor? Why is he on a glider? Ahhhhh release date is so far away! 🙁

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