Spidey Memories#57


From “Amazing Spider-Man” issue 17. So much to say about this page…

1) The Beatles comment is pure win as far as I’m concerned. Speaking of the Beatles, Spideydude made a cameo on the fifth anniversary of “Bertone Beatle Bonanza” last week. Check it out.

2) So Jonah doesn’t want the club to be a success, and his plan is to have his newspaper cover it?

3) Betty’s solution is to call when Peter isn’t home? Is she that afraid of lying to simply pretend to call? Only in the early 60’s would this plan work.

4) Aunt May has no consideration for Betty Brant, the woman always visiting her in the hospital.

5) Mary Jane loves Spider-Man eh?

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  1. Wasn’t that the point though? We weren’t supposed to expect a redheaded goddess of a woman like we got thanks to the greatness of Romita’s art.

    Thank god Ditko didn’t draw her reveal, the way he drew Gwen still gives me nightmares!

  2. From an artistic standpoint, I can’t remember the last time I saw 9 panels on a page.

    And Aunt May’s descriptions of Mary Jane always seemed to be wrong after we finally met her.

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