Wacker live blog report 1


The first portion of Steve Wacker’s 24 hour live blog started this morning and we got a few interesting factoids and sneak peaks. Among the highlights,
* No plans, or so they say, for Jameson Senior to die.

* Bob Gale’s digital comics will NOT be anything like the motion comics out now. Thank goodness.

* Plans for Carnage down the road.

* Michael Lark will be formally announced on the book soon.

* We will be getting an issue focusing on Michelle prominently.

Check back at Newsarama throughout the day as Wacker continues his live blog. To see some of the highlights and pictures he “leaked” check out my write-up on Examiner.

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  1. ..And in “I’m done”, I definatly mean “done listening to the lies”…I stick by USM, MASM, Spider-Girl and X-Men Forever, but if they werent published by Marvel, I wouldnt be supporting Marvel.

  2. Alas, it doesnt surprise me…and I sort of set myself up by saying it wasnt the first time Joey had lied his teeth off…it’s sad that this kind of publicity and carrot-dangling gets any ratarse a promotion these days.

    My other concern now stretches forward to people still waiting on the mind-wipe…ANOTHER carrot they’ve dangled for two years and explained only 1/3rd of it’s function (and nothing of it’s origin) in a completly half-baked story that did worse things to continuity skipping over months and months , it’s becoming clear the webheads don’t just care about the fans of the marraige, they don’t care about fans of thier own repugnant direction…there writing Spidey for themselves. What I’m glad to see lately is that people who were stern advocates of BND are now dropping the book because they finally came to that very conclusion lately (that or the price increase turned them off)…that not only the stores arent going ANYWHERE, but the “static game-changing”, just leads to less and less of an upswing that the characters are used to, because every character in ASM, by Marvel’s decree, must be a complete and utter loser.

    The more it becomes obvious ASM is written by men who don’t want anything to do with the last twenty years of continuity or the growth and maturity of iconic role models like Peter and MJ, the more it becomes easier for ASM to bleed readers by the bucketload. Y’know, I think the declining sales figures shows that Spider-Man’s fanbase isnt as dense as Marvel think they are. “The Mob” has been winning a one-sided war for years, it’s clearly rubbed off too. Their demeanour is less enthusiastic, and more a defeatist elitism. They KNOW BND has bombed but think staying thier ground and weathering the storm is more worthwhile than acting like men, know when there beat, and bring back what the fans truley want., I’m done.

  3. “I’m being ignored more than Roderick Kingsley”–Me.
    “Dorkiest joke ever. Use it at parties.”–Steve Wacker (AKA J Jonah Wacker).
    Yeah, it’s my new forum signature now. Haha!

  4. No offense meant Danish Web, but does it really surprise you Quesada was lying about the OMD sequel? That story is never coming. It’s just a carrot. And yes folks, you heard Wacker respond to my question. The marriage was an alternate universe. The Spider-Man you read for twenty years? Not the real Spider-Man! Glad to see Marvel still cares about its fans so much…

  5. I thought Quesada had already said that the OMD sequel had ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN? Four issues expected to ship in early 2010? (Spring was my estimation), there’s been no information thus far other than this so-called gurantee.

    Which means Wacker is lying (Mr. “the marraige is an A.U” a liar? Surely not, wink wink), or Quesada is…which wouldnt be the first time (“Hey true beleivers, Peter’s Unmasking will last YEARS”)

    Here we have an EIC telling people still paying with their wallets, for the second time, that there’s a story in the pipeline they might want to see…and then it doesnt show up on the stands. This is irresponsible false advertising, he should have been fired twice over for this.

    Think also about it from the perspective of someone who’s wanting to know how Peter wiped people’s memories, not remember the Mephisto deal…it’s been TWO YEARS, and only ONE two-part piddlesome story that nobody remembers dealt with how the mind-wipe works…everything else has been the usual geriatric generic hi-jinks from this old fart of a franchise.

    Wacker reading up on Carnage’s first story, but saying it “doesnt hold up”…erm…yeah Wacker, most of ASM under your watch doesnt hold up after three hours let alone near-eighteen years.

  6. Maybe Jay is possessed by Jonathan Caesar who is forever destined to go after the woman Peter loves the most…

  7. @Donovan Grant–Well, it doesn’t rule out the possibility that Jay Jameson may turn out to be not as “good” and “decent” as he’s let on and/or he gets hospitalized and hanging by a thread after getting caught in a battle between Spidey and a super-villain. But then again, as Wacker said, I always guess wrong. (Although he did like my idea for a new “Sinister Six” composed of Mary Jane, Black Cat, Betty, Carlie, Norah, and Michele. :p)

  8. Sorry spiderdude … a comment from the event today

    [Comment From Brian]
    Will we see Kaine back in his black and grey costume? Is Ben Reilly coming back yet?

    4:53 J Jonah Wacker: No costume for Kaine.
    No Ben Reilly. Great character who’s better off dead.

  9. Michael Lark is a darn fine artist, very gritty. He was terrific on Daredevil with Brubaker. I wonder if he’ll “change” his art style for Spidey?

  10. No kidding Miles_Warren. It’s gone from bad to pathetic in their addressing this. He says this right at the beginning “I didn’t work on that story and all that can be said has pretty much been said”. So…we’re not going to find out anytime soon?

  11. “We will be getting an issue focusing on Michelle prominently”

    Could you cut all this crap out and address One More Day already? Its been more than two years. Getting answers for this thing has taken longer than the Clone Saga…

  12. All the while, there’s character progression for Sandman in the dailes, the best clone saga I’ve read in Spider-Girl that focuses on memorable new dangers…

    God these guys can’t cut it anymore.

  13. * We will be getting an issue focusing on Michelle prominently.*
    Great.. this kills all my hope of her getting killed by raptor

  14. Well, we did say they were going to pull off all stops. I’d say Carnage coming back is just more proof.

  15. “Blue gives us a great glimpse into Gwen”

    Erm…what about MJ Wacker? She’s the one with a lot of focus in the closing issues.

    God these guys clear, unconditional HATRED for Peter’s one true love makes me wish this company would go frickin’ bankrupt. Spidey’d be better off at D.C, I swear to god…

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