New “Clone Saga Chronicles” Podcast


This week we take a look at the first month of the 90’s Clone Saga, which consists of the “Power and Responsibility” arc. Bertone and Spideydude are joined by BDog and Spidertour02. You can download the episode here, or check us out on iTunes (and leave a review).


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  1. I think the “MARY JAAANE” will be a part of the show, but maybe not for EVERYTIME her name is said…it takes too long to edit that way but we’ll take what you’re saying into consideration. Appreciate it.

  2. The podcast is awesome, I quit collecting about this time(the expensive overblown cover’s and peter’s parents being robots was my final straw), so it is great catching up with this podcast. One thing please please please stop using the cartoon voice every time you say Mary Jane, brings the show down a couple notches, but besides that A+!!! Thanks


  4. Man! the “power and responsability” was my first arc (the first i could pay for by myself) im from México and the publications of Marvel in those days were a mess, i started collecting from this arc and after the issue in wich May dies (really good one) the editorial went down, imagine how i felt, so many questions, then another editorial took the spiderman printing again, but they started all the main Marvel with the Onslaugth saga, so as you imagine, i was so pissed, to this day that gap has never been filled on my contry, (damn! we didnt have the chance to outrage when the “real Peter” was reveled) thanks to the internet i know how things went on the clone saga, and thankfully now i am old enougth to sustain my obsesion for comics and buy the USA issues, im still waiting for the Osborne Jurnals, kind of a closer to me … but now there’s this new clone saga… jajaja this will never stop… well at least until the acursed OMD/BND is the only spider-arcs left, i hate that so much

  5. Is there any way to ask a question or leave a comment without calling your cell phone or using skype? Such as asking here on the site? I’d love to get yall’s take on some things… and you complained in here that nobody asked you anything.

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