Crawl Space Avengers #4

Crawl_Space_Avengers_5_cover_by_Balla_BdogHey folks, we have a new issue out, with bigger CSA4variantrevelations, more action, and intense moments as the CSA take on Mark Stone.


Story by: Zach Joiner

Art: Gerard Delatour I(Left) and Enigma_2099(Right) and Brandon DP on Colors.

Story: “In the Beginning” Part 4 of 4. With the first move made, Brad Douglas is trapped by the man known as Mark Stone. As the CSA launch a counter-attack, familar faces make apperances, and we start setting up point that carry the title into the end of the year. And who could take on JR, Zach, George, Kevin and Stella?

Click on the cover for a bigger image.

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  1. @Donovan: Again, all my fault. It took me a long time to draw this, and I blew by my deadline to get it to bdog before he went back to school. The issue itself has been done for nearly a month (he’s almost done with the next one, in fact, and is already working on issue 6).

    I would anticipate the next one will be out on time — the issue is pretty much done, and i passed the cover art to bdog last week. 🙂

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