Previews: June 8th, 2016

Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1
Venom: Space Knight #9

Previews provided by Comic Book Resources

Civil War- Amazing Spider-Man #1

Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1

STORY BY Christos Gage
ART BY Travel Foreman
COLORS BY Rain Beredo
LETTERS BY VC – Joe Caramagna
COVER BY Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez,
John Tyler Christopher, Phil Noto , Greg Land , Morry Hollowell

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN GETS CAUGHT UP IN CIVIL WAR II! There’s a new Inhuman with the ability to seemingly predict the future, and as the heroes of the Marvel Universe continue to grapple with their feelings about his very existence one thing almost everyone can agree on is that he bears a tremendous responsibility to use his powers safely. Peter Parker, aka THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, knows a thing or two about that — too bad he’s also got the ol’ Parker luck working against him.


Civil War- Amazing Spider-Man #1 v1 Civil War- Amazing Spider-Man #1 v2 Civil War- Amazing Spider-Man #1 v3

Venom- Space Knight #9

Venom: Space Knight #9

STORY BY Robbie Thompson
ART BY Ariel Olivetti
COVER BY Ariel Olivetti

• A symbiotic relationship has become one of HUNTER and PREY.

• Since separating from Flash, the Venom symbiote has left a trail of destruction in his wake.




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