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Spectacular Spider-Man: the animated series #3-“Natural Selection” Review

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We make it no secret here on “Spider-Man Crawlspace” that Christopher Daniel Barnes portrayal as Peter Parker holds a special place in some of our childhoods. In more recent years, as we’ve grown wiser, it’s […]


  1. The first game was cool but I have no interest in playing a game based on a story I already read (Civil War) for the same reason why I don’t play any video games based on movies. I already know how it ends and if I want a story to end differently than I’ll just go read fan fiction or a “What If” comic.

    Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Batman Arkham Asylum are all the comic book games I need at the moment.

  2. Gotta say I’m pretty disappointed. Finished the campagin on anti-reg, the games about half as long as the first one. Without giving spoilers the third act is pretty tedious and totally nonsensical. The much ballyhooed 200+ avalible fusions are all just variations of a few themes, not really 200+ unique moves. Oh and finally, instead of the 3 unlockable costumes (with stat changes, etc) per character we now have only one and those are really just skins, altering nothing about your character other than the apperance.

  3. Spider-Girl: Mine hasn’t frozen at all, if that’s any consolation. BD may have a case of the Parker Luck. 😉

  4. WHAT?! Are you serious? It froze on the first play through?! Ugh…I should have gone with Uncharted…I guess I’ll see what happens tomorrow night…

  5. I bought the PS2 version of it just because it’s $30 cheaper than the PS3 version. It was okay. I think I’d give it a C. The PS3 one would probably look bette. I agree with BD though….Batman does deserve an A.

  6. Well I played it for a couple hours last night. I’m like eh with it. I think my expectations were too high. Within 15 minutes of playing Arkham I was like woah, this is so cool. However, this one is very much a repeat of the first one. I just got through Latveria and am in the underground tunnels and rescuing Ms. Marvel. It froze up on me last night so I quit. So at this point I’m giving it a B-, Batman gets an A.

  7. if its just like the first one then I’m not that interested because the original ultimate alliance was inferior to x men legends 2

  8. I cannot really fully comment until I play it (where are you Thursday?) but I do have to say that the cinematics from the first one look much cleaner and well put together. I’m not sure if Activision was just slacking off on them this time around or what.

  9. I’ve played the game for a couple of hours now (co-op with a friend), and I am enjoying it quite a bit. There are tons of things to unlock. I think this IGN review is pretty fair. 7.7 sounds about right, although Marvel fans like ourselves will probably bump that score up a bit thanks to our fandom. Looking forward to playing with the rest of you PS3 Crawlspace gamers! 🙂

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