Peter and Gwen Break Up

PeterGwenIn a manner of speaking, that is.

Practically every major outlet this morning is reporting that Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have split up, ending a four year relationship that started when the two met on the set of the first Amazing Spider-Man. The biggest strength of the Spider-reboots was the actual chemistry between the two, who were dating while they played Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy.

Normally I wouldn’t report this but… still kinda Spider-related.

Via Vanity Fair:

The endearing two actors met in 2011 on the set of The Amazing Spider-Man, where Stone played the Gwen Stacy to Garfield’s Peter Parker. Their sizzling chemistry carried on offscreen, with the charming duo holding hands together on red carpets and playfully bantering back and forth in interviews over the last four years.

Sadly for Stone-Garfield “shippers”, though, Us Weekly’s source claims that the duo broke up officially “months ago.” But, the mole maintains that the two still get along—“They still have a lot of love for one another and they are on good terms with each another and remain close,” the insider adds. “It just wasn’t working.”

This past April, it was reported that the two actors were “on a break”. At the time, Garfield—who is five years older than Stone—was filming Martin Scorsese’s Silence in Taiwan, and the distance was said to put a strain on the relationship. A source at the time told People, “They’re both a slave to their schedules. This time last year they were privately discussing marriage.”

–George Berryman!

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  1. Not to be that asshole, but I expected this to happen soon after the end of Amazing Spider-Man series.

  2. When it comes to “Hollywood” couples, it’s not “If” they are ever going to split up — it’s “When”.

  3. I heard they broke up because Stone wanted to get married, but Garfield wants to download porn and have sex. And we know married people never do those things.

  4. @#9:

    I imagine it’s a Trekker Trekkie civil war thing. The Starfields shippers blame him for it not working and the Stone field shippers blame her. And then the people who shipped Garfield and and Felicity Jones think this is a sign.

  5. One reason it’s a bit sad is that you could actually see these two as husband and wife, not just the usual meaningless Hollywood players.

  6. “Sadly for Stone-Garfield ‘shippers’ …”

    Please tell me that these people were called Starfields.

  7. @#1 – Yeah, I’d read about that too. It seems things were already pretty strained between them after that, so I’m not very surprised this happened. A little sad though, since they made a cute couple and had such great chemistry in the movies.

  8. I heard something about how, during Garfield’s time in Taiwan, he had a one-night stand with someone else, though that might have been a rumor. Either way, they seemed really sweet together, so I’m sad that it didn’t work out for them.

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