Happy Birthday, Stillanerd!

SpecMikeHBDPodcast panelist, former ASM reviewer and all around swell guy “Spectacular Mike” McNulty, aka Stillanerd, celebrates a  birthday today!

I’m terrible with remembering numbers but I think he’s either 39 or the big 4-0 today. While he’s not on the main page anymore since he departed to work at WhateverASpiderCan.com, we’re still lucky enough to have him on the podcast and we wish him nothin’ but the hap-hap-happiest of birthdays!

George Berryman!

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  1. Thanks everybody for all the fond birthday wishes, and the compliments! And no matter what my age is, I’ll still be a nerd…and a Spidey fan, of course.

  2. Happy birthday Stillanerd! Will be sure to check out your site and look forward to continuing to hear you on the podcast!

  3. Happy Birthday! I love your work on the podcast, but I must say I will really miss your reviews here.

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