Podcast # 374-Movie Casting, Spider-Gwen Movie, Sony Wiki Leaks, Slott Leaving?

podcast374picWe tackle a lot of Spider-News in this episode. Here are our topics.

  • Dan Slott Leaving? -George
  • Ultimate Spider-Man Gets Fourth Season-George
  • Spider-Actors Narrowed Down-JR
  • Spider-Gwen movie? -Ashley
  • Matthew Maconaughy as Norman? -JR
  • New Spider-Man Movie title-Ashley
  • Sony Concerns about ASM2-George
  • New Spider-Man animated Cartoon-JR
  • Mike’s roundup of Movie wiki leaks
  • Spinoffs, Sinister Six, Sequels
  • Feige’s ASM 2 notes-George



You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other show in June, here it is. 

Podcast # 373-Spider-History June 1990
Podcast # 372-Renew Your Vows, ASM 17, 18, 16.1, 17.1, 18.1 Reviews
Podcast #371-Jack O’ Lantern Friday Night Fight
Podcast # 370-Message Board Q and A. 

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Official: Spider-Man Cast, Director Named (Updated 4:24 PM CST Wednesday)

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  1. Don’r ever quit the podcast, you inspired me and others to voice our views as well. Thank you!

  2. Great Podcast as always

    I only have one thing to say about it, and it regards Silver Sables’ “death” actually if you read Amazing Spider-Man #690, Julia Carpenter says that she has seen the future and that Silver Sable is alive and that her story is far from over, plus the fact that her body was never found should mean something.

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