Kaine Returns in Amazing # 608

kaineasm608A preview image was posted at the recent Toronto comic con. A certain slide got a ton of Clone Saga fans to drool. I think the last time we saw Kaine in the 616 universe he was going after Baby May. Was that correct? Thanks to spidertour02 for the heads up.

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  1. Wasn’t Kaine supposed to be a molecularly unstable clone? Why is he then stronger and not dead?

  2. Yes, Kaine escaped during Cival War and was on the search for Mayday. In MC2, he found her and brought her back to The Parkers (not before Osborn geneticly altered her DNA and cloned her)

    Mary Jane knows Peter’s identity,t Marvel were lying when they said nobody knew. That’s why I don’t beleive them when they say the marraige isnt coming back.

    I’m glad Kaine is returning, but I’m a realist. BND is the worst thing to ever happen to Spider-Man and trying to get back readers with elements of what is seen largely as the first “shark jumper” for the franchise reeks of desperation that’ll bite them in the ass.

  3. Waitaminnut, if Marvel said, “No one knows Spider-man’s identity anymore”, does that include a clone of himself? o_O

  4. OMG OMG I’m freaking out like a 14 year old schoolgirl at a Jonas Brothers concert… I really enjoyed Kaine in the 616 and thought they could find a way to fit him into the comic more regularly but I can’t wait to see what brings him back

  5. As always, I’ll try to reserve judgment until the issue is out. This year has been better than last, for sure, but I still don’t have much faith in the current regime …

  6. This looks fine to me Berserk, I actually really like the style (just my opinion). CrazyChris that made me laugh so hard! I didn’t even think of that.

  7. I wish modern artists would STOP drawing Spider-Man like a bitchy little 17 year old babysitter. I know Spectacular Spider-man and Ultimate Spider-Man reinforce the concept of a young teenage, scrappy character design model. But for God’s sake he’s a grown man for crying out loud. Give him some muscle!

  8. Actually, this design looks more in line with the MC2 rendering of Kaine.

    I wonder though: with the event of BND, though, does this Kaine still think that Pete is the clone, and how did the clone saga happen differently?

  9. Well since Baby May probably doesn’t exist anymore, I wonder what he’s been up to all these years? Although with the revised timeline, I suppose its only been 2 Marvel years since we lat saw him.

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