Koepp Wants Three Spider-Man Movie Series?

MV5BMTIzODM3Mzc0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTUyMDEzMQ@@._V1_SY300_CR118,0,214,300_AL_The original Spider-Man (2002) screenwriter David Koepp recently did an interview with Empire magazine. He said that he wishes there were three different Spider-Man type of movies that were released. One aimed for the big budget special effects crowd, one with an R-rated feel aimed at adults, and then a PG/ G rated one aimed at kids. Here’s the quote. 

“If I were in charge of Spider-Man right now, and money was no object, I would… (Pauses) Well, now you can see why they are having trouble! (Laughs) Not so easy, is it?

“When I was doing Spider-Man the first time, I remember distinctly having thoughts about three movies, each of a different kind. The way the comic-book lines switched, it was Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man… there were a number of them.

“So rather than try to persue the same course, or any kind of similar tone, you’d have strikingly different tones. The classic Spider-Man, that would be the top-of-the-line, studio Sam Raimi ones, then the Amazing Spider-Man ones, they’d be done for $75-80 million, and have a rougher, edgier, almost R-rated feel to them – if not R-rated, though I don’t think they could ever bring themselves to do that. Tougher, nastier, a rougher look… shorter movies. I don’t like superhero bloat, personally.

“And these series didn’t have to be consecutive, they could be released concurrently. Then I also thought there should be a Spectacular Spider-Man series, because Spider-Man leaves out a large group of its audience. Little kids are fascinated by Spider-Man by the time they are three, or younger. But when I was a kid, I loved the animated series, so I always thought there should be separate lines to cater for different ages of Spider-Man fans.

“And I’d certainly develop other characters in the Spider-Man universe, which is what they are trying to do, I know. Black Cat deserves her own movie series. As for the superhero genre generally now, I am stunned at its viability, its quality, its longevity, and its ability to grow and deepen. I think they’re great. I was so continually wrong about where superhero movies were going that now I am just an audience member, thrilled to see them continue to improve.”

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  1. Or, why not just make 1 Spider-Man film written on different levels to appeal to each audience member…kinda like Pixar

  2. “So rather than try to persue the same course, or any kind of similar tone, you’d have strikingly different tones. The classic Spider-Man, that would be the top-of-the-line, studio Sam Raimi ones, then the Amazing Spider-Man ones, they’d be done for $75-80 million, and have a rougher, edgier, almost R-rated feel to them – if not R-rated, though I don’t think they could ever bring themselves to do that. Tougher, nastier, a rougher look… shorter movies. I don’t like superhero bloat, personally.”

    Yep, a combination of top-of-the-line, studio Sam Raimi type Spider-Man, mixed with an edgier mature orientated Amazing Spider-Man would be perfect. That is the only kind of classic Spider-Man film that would get me back in the cinema.

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