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Best of Collectors 1-11-15

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  1. For the question about the studio tags, as a former student at the Art Institute of Phoenix (BA in Graphic Design), I can tell you that many photography students and professional photographers take on cosplay gigs to help boost their portfolios. This is actually common practice in the cosplay community to hire a photographer to take pictures of their works so the cosplayer has some nice pictures to put into their own portfolio or up on their social media pages to share with their friends.

  2. Thank god he finally got it out of his system. Is it seriously the same girl in all the pics?

  3. I finally figured it out. Silk is a Monster High reject. Makes sense, was 16 when she got her powers and then locked away. Appears and finds out her classmates are still there.

  4. I don’t really like Silk, but I can appreciate these cosplays. Some have been really good 🙂 Maybe in the Silk ongoing without Slott’s interference, she can be fleshed out as a character more, and become more likeable…? I hope so. I don’t want to hate her.

  5. @4 – It could very easily be like you describe, but I know a few people that go to a local professional photographer to get photos done, and the photographer is just some guy who does it for fun and is trying to eke out a side-business taking pictures.

    I don’t know if Lazzaro Studios is a professional studio with dozens of photographers, or it’s just Mike Lazzaro who takes photos as a hobby in his own studio (aka his basement).

  6. I’m not a big cosplayer, so I am just asking for clarification – do cosplayer photos normally have studio tags? I’ve always assumed it is was more of people just dressing up in costumes they made and using their own phones and cameras to post the photos to the net. When I see the studio tag, my first thought is that it is either a studio hiring someone to showcase their photo skills or someone was hired to promote Silk cosplay to help boost interest in the character. I lean toward the first and see the conspiracy part of the post as a long shot.

  7. Some of these cosplays have been pretty good, even though I don’t really care for the character.

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