Podcast #323- Spider-News, Female Movie, Peter Meets Dad, Best Marvel Stories

Podcast323picThe Spider-Panel tackles the Spider-News for the month. The topics include:

*Sony is going to make a Spider-Man spinoff movie with a female lead. 
*The Amazing Spider-Man 2 blu ray has a deleted scene where he meets his dad. 
*New restrictions on Spider-Man street performers in NYC. 
*Death of Gwen is Marvel’s best story? 
*Taylor Swift visits sick Spider-fan.
*Harry Potter goes to Comic Con as Spider-Man
*New Spider-Woman ongoing series
*Venom learns his origins in upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy storyline
*Spider-Man voice actor Drake Bell is allegedly living in Disneyland? 


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board. 

If you missed the other August shows, here are the links.

Podcast # 321-Amazing Spider-Man 1.3, 4, 5 and Superior 32 reviews
Podcast # 320- 2014 Live Callers
Podcast # 319-Friday Night Fights-Black Widow
Podcast # 318-11 Spider-Satellite Reviews
Podcast #317-Message Board Q & A 

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  1. Brad I was incorrect when talking about Rupert Murdoch in this. I had thought that Murdoch & FNC were no longer affiliated with Fox entertainment after last summer’s News Corp split. I was wrong; he is still the CEO of both the post-stock split New Corp *and* 21st Century Fox, and FNC is still owned by Fox Entertainment Group (subsidiary of 21st Century Fox).

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