BD Still Needs Your Help for Jerry’s Kids & MDA

BDjail2Last week I asked the Crawl Space to help pitch in and help me raise $800 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and Jerry’s Kids. On August 6th I’m going to be put behind bars until I raise the money and I need your help. All you have to do is go to this secure website and donate. As I said last week if everyone who visited the site in one day donated a dollar I’d surpass my goal by several thousand dollars. So please, if you want updates on the Crawl Space get me out of the slammer for a good cause! As of this post I’ve only raised $ 151. So please help me raise the rest. 



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  1. I used to have a neighbour who suffered from Muscular Dystrophy.
    It’s an awful disease.
    I just donated.

    Hope you raise the money Brad.

  2. Shay,
    Thanks for your interest.
    I looked all over that website and I don’t see a way to donate with a paypal account. And if you sent it to my paypal account they would take a cut of the money.
    The MDA website is secure though and they won’t steal your info.

  3. Brad

    Is there a paypal I can use instead – dont like having my credit card in too many places

  4. That’s cool. I need to raise the money by August 6th. Every penny counts and thanks to all that donated. I’m almost halfway.

  5. I get paid by the month… so I’m not able to donate until… well, a few hrs from now.

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