Scriptwriter Roberto Orci Leaves The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise

OrciLeavesSpideyPerhaps the handwriting was on the wall after the amicable separation of Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci, the scriptwriting team behind Transformers, Star Trek, Cowboys and Aliens, the Sleepy Hollow television series, and, of course, Sony’s rebooted Amazing Spider-Man films.  Last Friday, Orci announced that, due to his commitments towards writing and directing the upcoming Star Trek 3 film, and his new television series, Matador, he is no longer “officially involved” with The Amazing Spider-Man 3.  Furthermore, Orci doesn’t know what plans Sony may have in store for Spider-Man or it’s possible spin-off films.

In an interview with IGN, Orci stated the following:

“I don’t know what their plans are for [The Amazing Spider-Man] franchise…I don’t ever want to say never, but we have to figure out what their scheduling is in terms of when they want each movie. I’ve read probably as much as anyone else. There’s a love for the Sinister Six, the idea of Venom — there’s an idea of Spider-Man’s going to be one of these characters that’s part of our business. He’s such a popular character. Spider-Man’s not going to go away any time soon. When it all happens and how and all that has yet to be determined.”

This news comes on the heels of last month’s news about The Amazing Spider-Man 3 possibly delayed until 2017 instead of it’s original 2016 release date. Both Sony’s Sinister Six (to be directed by Drew Goddard) and Venom spin-offs were also supposed to have been set for release dates in 2016. Now, with his departure and statement, it appears the official release schedule for Sony’s future Spider-Man installments are now up in the air.

Source: IGN

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  1. @8 – So we’re going to get a Power Rangers movie that’s got a subplot about Bulk and Skull’s parents? I’m down with that.

  2. @5 – Nice! Looking forward to hearing you guys thoughts on the series direction. Yeah I’m skeptical that the Sinister Six and Venom movies will ever get made. I’m expecting a rushed ASM3 to come out in 2017, with a reboot following promptly following it in 2019-2020.

  3. Whatever happens, they’re gonna do something to keep the franchise from going back to Marvel.

  4. @4 – We address that very similarity on the upcoming Spider-News podcast that we recorded this past Saturday. At this point I would say ‘Spider-Man 4’ will be coming in 2020 and will probably be a reboot or at least have a different actor as Peter. Just six more years to a potential third retelling of the origin…

  5. I’ve got a feeling we might have another reboot coming. This is reminding me a lot of the Spider-Man 4 news that circulated in 2007-2010.

  6. I was underwhelmed hy ASM 1, and I’m going to Redbox this one. Mcguire was a poor SM but a good Peter. Garfield is a good SM but a poor Peter.

  7. This is great news actually.

    Now if they can only take a few years off and focus on making sure they have a story to tell and exactly how the character should be done right, it could make for some amazing films. You know the people in charge do not get this character at ALL when he’s strutting across the stage at his high school graduation, kissing the valedictorian and giving out high fives. I don’t know who that is, but its not Peter Parker.

    Also, “Eeeeeyyeeee Ahhmmm Duhhh RHyyyyyyNoooooooooooo!!!” Paul Giamatti, I may never forgive you.

  8. Am I the only one who looks at that photo and sees Xander Harris, for some reason?

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