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Spider-Art # 188

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  1. Another crappy art by Ramos.

    *Sigh* The MARVEL publishers needs to hire Giuseppe Camuncoli to do the pencling for Amazing Spider-Man. Ramos’ art is not suitable for the comics

  2. Another crappy art by Ramos.

    *Sigh* The MARVEL publisher needs to hire Giuseppe Camuncoli to do the pencling for Amazing Spider-Man. Ramos’ art is not suitable for the comics

  3. Why aren’t Peter and Mary Jane together again? Oh right Marvel……

  4. Yeah, her thighs look strangely massive. When your thighs are bigger than your waist, you should probably consult a doctor.

    And regarding her eyes, I agree that this drawing is not on the level. Sorry, I’ll just show myself out.

  5. Damn! She really needs to get to a hospital. I think her left boob deflated into her right boob. That probably whats making her eyes look like that.
    hehe, yeah, it’s an ok picture, I like it. But man, I’m so tired of the key book of Spidey being drawn by Ramos. His JJJ in this last issue was just terrible looking… and sadly that’s all I really can remember about the issue. Well that and this Black Cat crap Slott is trying to pile on us. Why didn’t they reboot (again) with a new writer and a new artist? Sad Spidey is sad. :-/
    OK… rant mode off.

    Keep On Thwipin’!!!

  6. This is everything about why I can’t stand Ramos’s art. He doesn’t seem to have any regard whatsoever for the proportions of a human body. It’s a cliche, but you have to understand the rules of an art before you can bend them, and I really think Ramos’s style is to bend rules without actually having a clue what they are.

  7. Hmmm….. this looks much better than the weird-looking cartoony MJ which he drew on AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #3. He needs to draw MJ just like this Spider-Art in the comics.

  8. Hmmm….. this looks much better than the cartoony MJ which he drew on AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #3. He needs to draw MJ just like this Spider-Art in the actual comics.

  9. Her eyes are not level. Her nose just looks wrong. Her breasts are different sizes. And her thighs look strange compared to the rest of her body. It’s better than anything I can draw, but I’m not a artist. I’ve seen better MJ’s.

  10. Yeah the eyes aren’t necessarily level, but that’s really my only problem with it.

  11. It’s so funny how I hate his Black Cat but love his Mary Jane. He just seems more interested in drawing her female form artistically rather than making it fanwank.

  12. This is a nice piece. Has anyone noticed that Ramos seems to put more effort into drawing female characters?

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