Spider-Man and Sexism


BD Update: Here’s the video in question. 

According to The Independent while at a recent press event for the Amazing Spider-Man 2, leading man, Andrew Garfield threw himself under “a big, pink, sexist bus”.

When asked where Spider-Man got his costume, Garfield allegedly replied:

“He sewed it… It’s kind of a feminine thing to do, but he really made a very masculine costume.”

Garfield was then challenged by his co-star and girlfriend, Emma Stone, to clarify his position.

Normally this is the sort of news story I would skim over, however I thought it was an interesting counter-point to the recent Kirsten Dunst story which the gang discussed on the podcast.

– Adam

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  1. Politically correctness have gotten way out of hand. No matter what you say, you WILL offend someone.

  2. @4 – Yeah if that was the case then he did the right thing. I just couldn’t tell whether he felt like what he said was “wrong” or if he was just trying to appease Stone. I’m somewhat inclined to think the latter though.

    “Or run away.”- that made me think of the scene in the trailer where Spidey webs Gwen’s hand to the hood of the car and then runs away while saying “I love you.”

  3. @2 – Yeah, he was probably thinking of Peter in the Amazing Spider-Man Movie universe and not Peter from the comics. If previous questions were about comics he had read when he was growing up then maybe. But yeah, they were probably asking about the movie’s Peter.

    @3 – Good point on military people knowing how to sew, I didn’t know that. All of my military knowledge comes from watching MASH.

    @4 – I think any guy who has had a girlfriend can understand why Garfield had to backtrack when his girlfriend, standing right next to him, said “what did you just say?” Even if you know you’re right, your first instinct is to clarify your position so that it sounds more like what she thinks. Or run away. That is also a good instinct to follow in this kind of situation.

  4. #3 I agree with you. But the way Garfield tried to backtrack a bit makes me think that he felt like he did wrong, though that could just be because he didn’t want to upset or get into a argument with his girlfriend in front of the press and a group of kids.

  5. Guys in the military (who often know how to repair their own buttons, fabric tears, and what-not); out in civilian life it IS women who usually sew. The former example shows that it isn’t a gender thing, but the latter example is true as well.

    As far as I’m concerned, no one anywhere is obligated to obey political-correctness. Good for Kirsten Dunst, good for Andrew Garfield. Say what you really think, without fear of being beaten on.

  6. @2 – That seems like a bit of a stretch to say he was referring to Peter Parker in the 60’s. I got the impression that he was referring to his portrayal of Peter, particularly because there was a whole montage dedicated to showing him creating the suit in the first movie.

    http://time.com/72081/emma-stone-calls-out-andrew-garfields-sexist-comments/ – That’s a more balanced account of it all, the Independant one is horrible one sided.

    I don’t really have any opinion on the matter personally, though I thought his comebacks about craftsmanship were a bit odd. It certainly doesn’t diminish my dislike of Garfield at all. But I don’t think I’d call the classic red and blue costume masculine, it’s just a cool suit imo.

  7. (stepping into a potential minefield here)

    Garfield doesn’t say it, but I wonder if he meant that Peter Parker in his original first appearance, back in the 1960s, sewing his costume, was a feminine thing to do. I wasn’t alive in the 60s (I’m not THAT old), but I think it’s safe to say that back then, the majority of people that sewed were women. Yes, there were probably men that sewed, but they were likely in the minority.

    Has this changed in modern times? I’m sure that the percentage of men that sew has increased since the 60s, but I would say the majority of sewers are still female. Close your eyes and picture someone sewing; unless you know a male who sews, you probably pictured a woman.

    Am I wrong? Could be. I’m not part of the sewing community.

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