Villain Profile: Morlun

I review the upcoming Spider-Verse villain, Morlun. From his creation to last appearance. I even have a light saber battle for some reason. Why? You have to see.

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  1. @7 – That’s great to hear because (a) it makes sense since he’s fighting Morlun again in The Other, and (b) this whole 12-part story is about Peter dying and they never say what it is that he’s dying from, just that he’s sick? That’s bad storytelling right there. I know it was 3 writers, but come on.

    And “cut due to page space” – the story was 12 issues! Didn’t Peter spend an entire issue time travelling with Aunt May and MJ? Which was important to the main story, how? They really should have fit in a couple of panels that said “oh, the reason you’re dying is because of the extra radiation you exposed yourself to when fighting Morlun months before.” That’s kind of an important part of the story.

    This makes me dislike The Other even more.

  2. This is the first time I heard that the extra radiation Peter absorbed from his first fight with Morlun is what was making him sick in The Other.

  3. I too was surprised by the pronunciation, I always said Mor-lun. Is this pronunciation cannon? (it was years after my first Wolverine comic until I knew how to pronounce “adamantium” correctly)

  4. @1, pretty much what happened was during Hudlin’s run where T’Challa’s sister was introduced as the new Black Panther. The Dark Priests who wanted Wakanda destroyed (because everyone wants it destroyed) used a ritual and brought Morlun back and turned him on the various Panthers and the Panther god since Morlun feeds on those powers. He killed Man-ape because he was a animal totem and Shuri and T’Challa turned the Lords of the Dead on Morlun and he was stuck fighting them. That’s his last appearance.

  5. You lost me around 1:45 where you start talking about the Black Panther stuff… Can you be more specific about what actually happened there? Is he currently in a “dead dimension” fighting the “Lords of the dead?” What does that mean? Is he dead himself?

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