More Amazing Spider-Man Merchandise

imageCharacter World, a UK manufacture of bedding supplies has announced a new line of Amazing Spider-Man merchandise including a 3D duvet cover set, a towel and a shaped cushion.

The company’s brand director, Tim Kilby, when speaking to the Manchester Evening News said:

“Spiderman is one of the top three licensed boys franchises in the world. We expect sales of both our Ultimate Spiderman and Amazing Spiderman ranges to soar around the release of the Amazing Spiderman 2 film in April. The trailer for the hotly anticipated release has already reached almost 30 million people globally so it’s going to be a big hit!”*

Any UK Spider-Man fans with kids or just wanting that unique look for their own bedroom be on the look out.

The lack of hyphen’s in Spider-Man is from the source of the article.

– Adam

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1 Comment

  1. Although I’m sure this movie is going to be a big hit, saying a movie is going to be a hit because the trailer has been watched by millions of people is faulty logic. I’m sure there are flops whose trailers were seen by millions of people.

    I’m nitpicking, but when I see someone say “A is true, so therefore B is going to happen”, and A and B have nothing to do with each other, it gets on my nerves.

    Plus they couldn’t spell “Spider-Man” right. Not once, not twice, but four times. I mean what the hell?!? They deserve my nitpicking. (haha)

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