What is Happening Here? (yes this is a photo of yours truly having a discussion with Green Goblin)
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Duck Tape Spidey is our latest picture. Feel free to add a funny comment caption below.
This poor dog. If you’re new to "Spider-Captions" the rules are just post a funny comment or word balloon for the picture in the comment section. The funnier the better.
“No, my chest does not have a crater in it.”
“Do people really think I am my grandson? Weird.”
“So…I hear there’s openings over at the Crawlspace?”
“These are magic beans.”
All that’s missing is a “WILL THROW PUMPKIN BOMBS FOR FOOD” sign.
Who says my original costume wouldn’t look good in the movies?!
The Hulk borrowed my clothes for a day and this happen to them, by the way, is there something on my face?
So you want to be the star of a broadway musical huh?
It seems that I have lost my glider. Got a couple bucks to help me get a bus ticket home?
Excuse me young man. Could you possibly explain how I might get to the George Washington Bridge?