Update: Superior Foes Ending?

SFOES5“We’ve always been driving towards an ending…”

As an update to stillanerd’s earlier post about the rumored end of Superior Foes of Spider-Man, both Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber have discussed the possibility via social media.

Nick Spencer made the following tweets Friday night:

SUPFOES fans- with any book, the line between cancellation and success is a thin one. Pre-order, buy the trade, buy an extra for a friend

Letters and tweets to @marvel don’t hurt either. Strong fan response is what’s kept it alive so far. Very grateful for that.

That said, we’ve always been driving towards an ending. The book was not designed to be open-ended. We were originally given 12 issues.

No matter where we wrap at this point, you’ll get the ‘right’ ending. But I do love the book and wouldn’t mind doing a little more.

All that said, any book that exceeds its planned shelf life, that’s a big win. And that’s 100 percent due to your support, so thank you.

According to TheOuthousers.com, Steve Lieber took to 4Chan and had the following to say:

All I’m hearing is a lot of “we’ll have to see what the sales do.” If they keep sliding, we probably are gonna get cancelled at 15. On the other hand, if we pick up some award nominations, or if comic buyers pay attention to all the “best of 2013” lists the book was on, we might get a reprieve.

Wish I had a more concrete answer than: “Uh, maybe? Maybe not?” but that’s what I have.

So we’re still waiting to see what will happen with the title. Hopefully Spencer & Lieber get to continue the series, either in ‘Superior’ or in a rebooted title.

–George Berryman!

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  1. With regards to the Shocker, there are couple of things we have to take into consideration. First of all, a lot of what we read is taken from Boomerang’s perspective, and he’s definitely a classic example of an unreliable narrator. Second, we also see that Shocker, especially in the third issue, is the most capable member of this version of the Sinister Six, certainly isn’t a slouch or coward, and, as he points out in the most recent issue, he’s gone toe-to-toe with Spidey on numerous occasions and given him a run for his money. But the gag is that, just like the late Rodney Dangerfield, Shocker gets no respect from his fellow villains and his own feelings of inadequacy also blind him to the fact that he is far more capable than the very villains he associates with.

  2. I originally had more of an issue with how Shocker comes off. But then I also think Shocker has some tough moments ahead of him where he’ll get to come more into his own, so to speak. He may be the one who laughs last here.

    With Boomerang, I just like following all the bad stuff happening to him. Karma doesn’t wait for him; it hunts him down swiftly.

  3. I know a lot of people enjoy this book, but for some reason, I never could get into it. I dunno, every time I read it, I feel like it is trying too hard or something.

    Also, things like Shocker being a total pussy (he’s a loser, okay, but I never thought he was a wimp or anything…) and Boomerang repeatedly selling his friends out really rubbed me the wrong way.

    I get that “anti-hero” protagonists are “in” at the moment, but I really find it hard to empathize with Boomerang when he’s screwing his friends over. I liked him much better in T-Bolts.

  4. …must have been outperforming Superior Spider-Man… and we can’t have that, now can we?

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